

A-San 23

level 50

Kill with kindness!

Age 1 year
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 51 thousand
Death Count 32
Wins / Losses 41 / 37
Temple Completed at 09/16/2024
Wood for Ark 21.3%
Savings 643 thousand (2.1%)
Pet Sun dog Simba


Weapon vortex cannon +59
Shield reality distortion shield +59
Head wind turban +60
Body gravitational pullover +60
Arms oversized shoulder guard +59
Legs sandals of time +59
Talisman pair of brass balls +59


  • flying bird level 27
  • swear-o-matic level 26
  • tin throat level 24
  • mosquito roar level 24
  • self-cloning level 24
  • quantum leap level 23
  • stifling embrace level 19
  • pocket hypnotoad level 19
  • selfish interest level 18
  • lossy compression level 17


  • ⓶ Win an arena duel that lasts for 50+ turns
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Freelancer, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Shipwright, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

A-San is an orphan with two evil sisters…



May 17, 2024 at 12:26 AM

I hear that mothers have begun singing their children to sleep with your verse, Almighty:

The Courtyard


But for the shadow of the castle

Following you…




May 10, 2024 at 5:36 AM

Great One, your verse was spread by the heralds:

Collection of Souls

Reflected in mirrors

Each in their own world

Wanting to be close…




May 5, 2024 at 7:11 AM

Almighty, your verse was spread by the heralds:

House of Mirrors

Pictures in pictures

Reflecting reflections

Fissures to fissures…




May 4, 2024 at 4:26 AM

Most Righteous One, your verse was spread by the heralds:


Walking on glass

Feeling no pain

Coming from each

Tiny, sharp grain…





Ideabox 💌

Consensus has it that Lovely Poetess’s genius is without bounds. 🧠




Ideabox News 💌

May 19, 2024

• Interesting fact: 31 ideas were submitted to the Ideabox in the last 24 hours and 24 ideas went into the ER. 🚑

• There is an opinion that Kathalysa should get some credit for her content enhancements yesterday. ☣️😷

Lovely Poetess doesn’t only play the game, she’s even written some of it. 📝🤯




Ideabox News 💌

May 16, 2024

• Looks like Lovely Poetess has an idea for every occasion. 💃




Ideabox News 💌

May 10, 2024

Nathulz is busy, adding sugar and spice and everything nice to ideas in the ER. 🍰🥧🎂

• All responsibility for the originality of Ideabox submissions was put on Lovely Poetess’s shoulders. 💪💪💪




Ideabox News 💌

May 8, 2024

• 54 ideas entries were sent to the Ideabox yesterday. 🗑️

Does no one have a real life? 🛀

Dragon Orb has been working so hard enhancing ideas that she deserves an entry dedicated to her. 💪

• Popular consensus is that Lovely Poetess’s genius knows no bounds. 🧠 ⚗️




Ideabox News 💌

May 7, 2024

• Rumor has it that Lovely Poetess submits especially good ideas and votes for the submissions of others. 🥳💃




Ideabox News 💌

April 28, 2024

• 26 ideas were saved from being burned in a dumpster fire, and 24 ideas were rushed into the ER for intensive care. 🔥🚑

• The tireless goddess Lovely Poetess often contributes ideas.

She does it for the kids! 🍼




Ideabox News 💌

April 27, 2024

• We are proud to announce that Lovely Poetess may or may not have been nominated for the Nobel Ideaboxing Prize. 🏆




Ideabox News 💌

April 20, 2024

• The Ideabox saw 34 ideas yesterday, almost all of which are printable.🤞

Lovely Poetess has so many good ideas that they simply have to be shared with all and sundry. 🌞🤯




Ideabox News 💌

April 16, 2024

Lovely Poetess has so many brilliant ideas that she needs to wear sunglasses at all times. 😎




Ideabox News 💌

April 14, 2024

• 38 ideas were saved from being burned in a dumpster fire, and 31 ideas were rushed into the ER for intensive care. 🚑

• It’s reported that Dragon Orb can improve ideas even with her eyes closed. 😴

• The humble goddess Lovely Poetess has submitted several new ideas and voted on the others. 😇




Ideabox News 💌

April 13, 2024

• Some of the ideas under voting are there thanks to Lovely Poetess. Applause! 🥳

• Looking for Dragon Orb? She is in the ER, helping her divine peers. 🤯

• 56 ideas entries were sent to the Ideabox yesterday. Does no one have a real life? ⚰️




Ideabox News 💌

April 6, 2024

Lovely Poetess is responsible for many of today’s Ideabox innovations. 🚮

• Not every idea is what it seems, claims Bibliophile. 🚯




Ideabox News 💌

April 8, 2024

• The tireless goddess Lovely Poetess often contributes ideas.

She does it for the kids! 🍼




A-San’s Diary 🧠

April 4, 2024 at 11:07 PM

A Godville Administrator stopped by during my prayer hour with a thank-you card signed “From all of us.”





April 30, 2024 at 5:06 AM

Soul Supreme, your verse was spread by the heralds:

Dreaming of Butterflies

Feeling their wings

Hearing their stories

That not yet have been…




April 28, 2024 at 7:07 AM

You know, Great One, your poem is spreading like wildfire:

Broken Glass

Cuts turn to scars

Can we stop wars…




April 27, 2024 at 8:27 AM

Luminous One, your verse was spread by the heralds:

Looming Large

Standing in the path

Of the coming shadow

Or walking through it

To the other side…




🌞 April 3rd, 2024 at 12:05 AM 🌞

After vanquishing the Sun Dog, I noticed a pair of tear-brimmed eyes peering out from under the bushes.

Wracked by guilt, I took the baby-monster’s shaking hand and adopted it as my pet.

I’ll name him Simba. 🐆




April 3rd, 2024 at 11:14 PM

Simba started to swell and turn purple.

I was about to perform the Heimlich maneuver when I discovered he just leveled up.




April 6, 2024 at 12:01 AM

Simba jumped into a bush and came out bigger and stronger.

Wow, he leveled up! Maybe I should try that.




April 8, 2024 at 01:30 PM

Simba was suddenly surrounded by a sparkling glow and began skipping around and humming happily.

Hey, I think he just leveled up!




April 9, 2024 at 06:37 AM

Most Righteous One, your verse was spread by the heralds:


Comforting light

So sweet at night

You’ll never be alone . . .




April 4th, 2024 at 06:05 PM

I hear that mothers have begun singing their children to sleep with your verse, Almighty:


Coming and going

Giving and taking

In unequal parts . . .




April 3rd, 2024 at 06:15 PM

You know, Great One, it looks like people are passing your saying around as a prayer:


Walking on glass

Feeling no pain

Coming from each

Tiny, sharp grain . . .

Isn’t that great? ❤️




April 2nd, 2024 at 11:36 PM

Saw a paper with the headline:

Mirror Image

Guided by my own reflection

Follow it in one direction

Thinking it was really me . . .

Most Righteous One!

You’re front page news! ❤️





No News Is Good News!

- Reported Reports:

We’re happy to announce that no deaths were reported today.

May The Lords Be Pleased!





- Kill With Kindness 😘 -

Born on 03/11/24 at 07:49 PM

Abandoned on 03/12/24 at 8:20 PM

- Reported Reports:

The little phrase Kill with kindness… was found roaming the outskirts of Godville seemingly confused and starved, looking for poisonous berries.

The dear phrase was shivering and asking repeatedly: “Am I really redundant?”

The little one was clearly traumatized.

After Dr. Schadenfreud thoroughly examined her and broke out into inappropriate laughter, the little phrase was quickly put up for adoption.

No other than the kind Goddess Lovely Poetess took mercy on her and rescued her from certain death as the Motto for her purely good Heroine A-San.

The Rescue Committee is happy to announce that all parties are very happy and healthy.

May They All Live Happily Ever After!




- Dr. Schadenfreud 👻 -

Tenure on 03/20/24 at 08:49 PM

Tenure lost on 03/21/24 at 11:22 PM

- Reported Reports:

Dr. Schadenfreud, the renowned inventor of the brainalyzer – a very popular tool among law enforcement, especially during traffic stops – lost his tenure at the University of Godville.

The menacing psychoanalyst, who probed the minds of many innocent victims, was very surprised by this unexpected rejection.

After his Ego consulted his Id, he realized his unhealthy approach to life and decided to go to therapy and become a better person and a devoted servant of the people.

No other than the kind Goddess Lovely Poetess took mercy on him and rescued his Id from his Ego.

Dr. Schadenfreud has now become a valued member of her medical staff, who will look after all medical needs of her purely good Heroine A-San and her little motto Kill with kindness!

The Rescue Committee is happy to announce that all parties are very happy and satisfied.

May They All Live Happily Ever After!




- Hairy Hairsplitting Hare 🐰 -

Born on 03/18/24 at 07:15 AM

Died on 03/19/24 at 04:30 PM

- Obituary:

Hairy Hairsplitting Hare was a giant angry rabbit.

Hairy for short, was known to be an emotionally malnourished herbivore, who lived alone – although he liked to procreate (a lot!).

Hairy used to quibble while chewing on a giant carrot.

Unfortunately, he made excessively fine and needless distinctions in the reasoning of others – even while procreating.

The cause of his death is unknown, but rumor has it that Hairy’s exessive recreational activities had something to do with it.

Even though Hairy was very popular among the carrot vendors, he will unlikely be missed by the general public.

According to the latest survey, he had very low approval ratings.

Hairy Hairsplitting Hare will be buried according to his wishes with a giant carrot at an undisclosed location near you.

May He Rest In Peace!





- Deranged Trumpetvine -

Born on 03/17/24 at 08:39 PM

Died on 03/19/24 at 01:06 AM

- Obituary:

Deranged Trumpetvine was an invasive Monster species and a cherished member of the trumpet vine crime family Bignoniaceae – also known as the Campsis radicans, the Trumpet creepers and the Cow itch vines.

DT for short, was eradicated in New York City, but reseeded itself in Florida.

Hallmarks of DT were his oversized orange bulbous buds and his very tiny leaves.

Even though he was neurotoxic to the many brains he touched, he was a popular houseplant for the sick and vulnerable, who unfortunately didn’t make it either.

Deranged Trumpetvine will be cremated at the “Four Seasons” garden center together with other cherished garden debris at 9 AM EST.

May He Rest In Peace!





- Cunning Cockroach 🦗 -

Born on 03/20/24 at 07:35 AM

Died on 03/21/24 at 07:19 PM

- Obituary:

The Cunning Cockroach was a ruthless monster with huge fangs, who carved into its armor “Make Love ~ Not War” to deceive the innocent.

He devoured everything in his path and turned his victims into nuclear warheads.

Cunny for short, was the ultimate survivor.

He was known for his resilience, rather than his intellectual abilities.

Luckily, Cunny was not very popular among the citizens of Godville and won’t be missed.

Cunning “Cunny” Cockroach will be carefully disposed together with other nuclear waste at an undisclosed location near you.

May He Rest In Peace!





- Turn the other cheek, you Monster! …Peww …not that one 😷 -

Born on 03/24/24 at 04:47 PM

Died on 03/25/24 at 06:58 PM

- Obituary:

The little obnoxious phrase “Turn the other cheek, you Monster! …Peww …not that one.” – came as a shock to our pious Godville community.

This unsettling phrase was not only wishpered secretly behind closed doors, but was also met with involuntary laughter and a crinkled nose in our polite society.

“Peww” for short, was unfortunately not viable to withstand this stormy outrage.

For the sake of civil discourse, this little inappropriate phrase won’t be missed. Though rumors have it that her joyous legacy will survive.

“Turn the other cheek, you Monster! …Peww …not that one.” – will be unceremoniously flush down the toilet in an unnamed bathroom near you.

May She Rest In Peace!





- My hemorrhoids are worse than I thought… ⛑️ -

Born on 03/27/24 01:41 AM

Rejected on 03/28/24 at 04:08 AM

- Reported Reports:

The sincere phrase “My hemorrhoids are worse than I thought…" is a common little phrase, heard in many doctors offices and living rooms around the world.

Unfortunately, this frank and honest phrase was not welcome in the health-conscious society of Godville, even though many of its residents suffer from this pesky and irritating condition.

Nevertheless, it was rejected and officially declared fake news.

Distraught at the cognitive dissonance of Godville’s citizens, the little straight forward phrase applied for asylum in California, which was immediately granted.

“My hemorrhoids are worse than I thought…” – was welcomed with thunderous applause by all Californians and is currently recovering on a sunny beach at the Pacific Ocean.

The Rescue Committee is happy to announce that all parties are very happy and satisfied.

May They All Live Happily Ever After!





- I do anything for money, honey! 💃 -

Born on 03/27/24 05:02 PM

Escaped on 03/28/24 at 06:41 PM

- Reported Reports:

The seductive phrase “I do anything for money, honey!" escaped Godville’s authorities before she could be arrested on bribery charges.

Apparently, she seduced the God and Goddess fearing lawmakers of Godville into corrupt activities without their permission. These good and honest servants of the people were caught with their hands in the cookie jars, at no fault of their own. Seductive “Money Honey” made them do it.

“Money Honey” was last seen speeding away in her blood-red Ferrari towards Las Vegas. Godville’s authorities notified Sin City’s Department of Crime and Prosperity, but haven’t heard back from them.

Rest assured, there’s no more threat to the frightened public or to the impeccable integrity of Godville’s legislators.

“May “Money Honey” Be Apprehended Swiftly And Live Happily Ever After!

💃💃💃 🍸




- Underwire Bra 👙 -

Born on 03/27/24 09:05 PM

Filed Harassment Suit on 03/28/24 at 09:41 PM

- Reported Reports:

The high-level equipment for the well equipped Ms. Underwire Bra – was unfairly and quite unceremoniously thrown into a dark corner of an overcrowded closet by an unhooked mob of overzealous bra-haters!

This is a shocking event in this seemingly peaceful community of Godville.

Ms. Underwire, who is a very beautiful, well build, acomplished and powerful lady, sought legal advice after this traumatic incident, which caused her an enormous amount of emotional distress.

Her attorney contacted the City Council of Godville and put them on notice for the upcoming lawsuit seeking damages in the amount of 25,000.000.000 gold coins.

In addition, Ms. Underwire is seeking a sincere apology and the restoration of her dignity and her pride.

According to legal expert, Ms. Underwire has excellent prospects of being successful in her fight for justice.

May “Ms. Underwire Bra” Live Happily Ever After!




💀 Club For (Hair)-Growth 💀

Quote of the Day:

You work three jobs?
Uniquely American, isn’t it?
I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.

~ President George W. Bush to a divorced mother of three in Omaha, Nebraska on Feb. 4, 2005


🤡 Courtesy of The Bozos Club International 🤡



💀 Club For (Hair)-Growth 💀

Quote of the Day:

I don’t want to abolish government.
I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.

~ Grover Norquist


🤡 Courtesy of The Bozos Club International 🤡




~ with us the proof is in the pudding ~

Le Cordon Bleu, Paris. – Spam has the following six delicious ingredients: pork with ham, salt, water, potato starch and sodium nitrate.

Open Threat Assessment

Today’s public mood is – Daring


…because we care…





~ with us the proof is in the pudding ~

Paris. – High-heeled shoes were originally designed in the 10th Century, specifically for men.

Open Threat Assessment

Today’s public mood is – Eager


…because we care…





~ with us the proof is in the pudding ~

London. – British secret intelligence service managed to hack into an Al-Qaeda website and replace certain bomb instructions with a cupcake recipe.

Open Threat Assessment

Today’s public mood is – Bubbly


…because we care…





~ with us the proof is in the pudding ~

Godville. – A citizen tried to sue their God, but was unable to proceed due to an unlisted home address.

Open Threat Assessment

Today’s public mood is – Intriguing


…because we care…




Quote of the Day: 🙈🙉🙊

God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can’t say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve eating apples. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex.

~ Carl Everett (American Baseball Player)

🤡 Courtesy of The Bozos Club International 🤡



🌧️😔 If You Are Sad – You Are Not Alone

If you are very sad or you’re going through very hard times right now, you’re not alone.

Sometimes it helps just to talk about it to somebody who listens.

Maybe that person is even able to help you.

In general, helplines and crisis lines have three things in common:

  • They are often available to call 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • They don’t cost you anything
  • They are confidential
  • Here are some numbers and web sites in your country (or even another country), which might help you through this tough time and situation:

Helpful Resources

In times of need, reach for the phone.

You have nothing to lose.

When help is needed, this is an excellent place to start.

Every drop of kindness, care, and understanding makes a difference.

Best wishes and my love to you. ♥️


Here is a message to all young, and young at heart:

I know the world feels very scary and unjust right now.

This must be very frightening and confusing to you.

It is even for me, as an adult.

But I also know that life comes in seasons.

After it rains – the sun will come out again!

After a storm – the winds quiet down!

The flowers come back and the trees grow stronger, even if they lost a limb!

The birds are flying in the sky regardless and the animals nurture their young.

The sun always comes up in the morning, even if it’s cloudy and you can’t see her.

She is still there.

The moon and the stars come out at night, even if it’s cloudy and you can’t see them.

They’re still there, watching over you.

So, look up at the beautiful stars and dream big dreams, because all dreams are still and always will be possible!


