Alipu 571
level 127
Age | 10 years 9 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild |
Harvest Moon
Monsters Killed | about 610 thousand |
Death Count | 193 |
Wins / Losses | 555 / 115 |
Temple Completed at | 12/02/2015 |
Ark Completed at | 01/10/2017 (474.8%) |
Pairs Gathered at | 03/10/2019 |
Book Written at | 09/30/2023 |
Souls Gathered | 36.2% | Savings | 29M, 111k (97.0%) |
Pet | Crypt creeper Oy 31st level |
Boss | Optimystic with 61% of power |
Weapon | monster masher | +136 |
Shield | steeled nerves | +137 |
Head | independent thought alarm | +139 |
Body | coat of honor | +136 |
Arms | boomboxing gloves | +138 |
Legs | jingle belt | +137 |
Talisman | non-stop watch | +137 |
- battle chess level 139
- eye scream level 125
- mountain moving level 122
- swear-o-matic level 120
- beer belly level 118
- electrostatic discharge level 116
- rays of love level 112
- bloody itch level 111
- toe-bite level 108
- exhaust of the dragon level 107
- ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero ✓
- ⓶ Turn in a side job in the last ten minutes ✓
- ⓶ Win an arena duel that lasts for 50+ turns ✓
- ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones ✓
- ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold ✓
Gratitude | 10069 |
Might | 1323 |
Templehood | 13066 |
Gladiatorship | 140 |
Unity | 3 |
Popularity | 4 |
Duelery | 2 |
Adventure | 2 |
- Honored Animalist
- Honored Careerist
- Honored Favorite
- Honored Hunter
- Honored Invincible
- Honored Raider
- Honored Renegade
- Builder, 1st rank
- Champion, 1st rank
- Dueler, 1st rank
- Martyr, 1st rank
- Savior, 1st rank
- Scribbler, 1st rank
- Shipwright, 1st rank
- Fiend, 2nd rank
- Freelancer, 2nd rank
- Miner, 2nd rank
- Moneybag, 2nd rank
- Saint, 2nd rank
- Seadog, 2nd rank
- Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
- Coach, 3rd rank
- Hotshot, 3rd rank
- Scientist, 3rd rank