Some say that Hardbinger of Beer may be a distant relation of the godHarbinger of War. does that make him a demi-god with the ultimate heroic power of binge drinking with no hangover.
Hardbinger of Beer 庙舟畜29
level 96
Define problem….
Age | 5 years 3 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 307 thousand |
Death Count | 91 |
Wins / Losses | 11 / 17 |
Temple Completed at | 07/08/2020 |
Ark Completed at | 02/22/2022 (211.7%) |
Twos of Every Kind | 780m, 857f (78.0%) | Savings | 11M, 735k (39.1%) |
Pet | Cinnaminion Boo 6th level |
Weapon | The Schwartz | +105 |
Shield | plothole cover | +105 |
Head | cash cowl | +105 |
Body | t-shirt tuxedo | +106 |
Arms | fox gloves | +106 |
Legs | leviathong | +106 |
Talisman | godtag | +105 |
- iron vortex level 97
- powerful sneeze level 83
- deafening snore level 81
- poisoned kiss level 79
- radioportation level 69
- exhaust of the dragon level 69
- mountain moving level 60
- brownian motion level 59
- full throttle level 54
- pathological honesty level 51
- ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones ✓
- ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity ✓
Might | 7720 |
Templehood | 34398 |
- Animalist, 1st rank
- Builder, 1st rank
- Favorite, 1st rank
- Shipwright, 1st rank
- Freelancer, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Moneybag, 2nd rank
- Renegade, 2nd rank
- Saint, 2nd rank
- Savior, 2nd rank
- Careerist, 3rd rank
- Champion, 3rd rank
- Hunter, 3rd rank