

Darth Thanathos 32

level 92

Rock, meet bottom ~ ƒ

Age 9 years
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 332 thousand
Death Count 107
Wins / Losses 31 / 7
Temple Completed at 09/06/2016
Ark Completed at 03/18/2018 (188.0%)
Twos of Every Kind 581m, 656f (58.1%)
Savings 11M, 135k (37.1%)
Pet Landshark Simba 20th level


Weapon whippersnapper +102
Shield filibuster +101
Head helm of unparalleled density +102
Body scuba diving suit +103
Arms cold shoulderpads +101
Legs blade running shoes +101
Talisman lucky star +101


  • mosquito roar level 86
  • battle chess level 76
  • cri de coeur level 76
  • chakra bending level 73
  • clinical strike level 63
  • rail-bending level 61
  • teeth gnashing level 60
  • mating contact level 59
  • exhaust of the dragon level 58
  • rickrolling level 37




  • Honored Favorite
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Fiend, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Savior, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Invincible, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

In the beginning, there was only chaos. All of the universe was Lady Chaotica’s entropic realm. And then all those pesky good guys of Gods of Order decided to change it. Lady Chaotica protested, but she was outvoted, outnumbered, outgunned… And those pesky gods created the order, the light and many other things that weren’t​ entertaining enough for our Lady. And then, those pesky guys created humanity. Oh, boy, was Our Lady of Chaos glad when she managed to sneak some of her own Chaotic personality into mankind. And thus came to be man as we know it. Always thriving for power and knowledge, waging wars, plotting around, blowing up stuff inside and outside of the lab, protesting minor and major things, gossiping, quarrelling and occasionally showing its good side. And our Lady was entertained again, and every so often she would choose a mortal to be her Champion, or as some prefer to say, Hero, although due to chaos spreading nature of those guys and gals, we wouldn’t recommend calling them that.

Brief history of Lady Chaotica’s successes and one important story that shall be explained in detail
And time has come for Lady Chaotica to choose her first champion! To set the world in motion, to start the fire.
You know that wench Helena, that gal around whom the whole Troy thing happened? Well, she was our Lady’s first heroine. All she did was run away, and all hell broke loose! But you already know that story because of that old, blind guy Homer who wrote it down. Actually, you probably know the stories of many of Her famous and infamous Champs.
You probably know of those Vandals that looted Rome and started it’s downfall.
Well, it was Lady Chaotica who told their leader that Rome is full of gold and other riches.
You probably also know Nostradamus. Funny guy. He thought he was a prophet, little did he know Lady Chaotica was sending him illusions so he can claim them as visions. And people believed him. Unbelievable!
Or that guy Vlad Tepes “Dracula”, people still think he is a vampire, ridiculous! Admittedly, he was seriously deranged
Or … Maybe I should stop talking about successful heroes of our Lady of Chaos and focus on what brought her to this realm of Godville instead. So drink some coffee and prepare for a long, looooong story.

The important story we mentioned before
In the modern days of impressive technology and globalisation, it became really difficult to pick a hero. And in the dusk of 24th century Lady Chaotica has decided she had to find herself a new Champion immediately for she didn’t have a relevant champion since the second world war (don’t worry, it was just Oppenheimer, you know, “father of the atomic bomb”… on the second thought, maybe you should worry). Anyway, she’s been idle for too long, Orderly Gods have already​ started too mock her chaosing abilities and the world has been on the brink of world peace (Inexcusable!). So she searched far and wide to find a person with a sharp mind, high ambitions and willpower to reach their goals. And she found her new Champion, her heroine, in a young lady who at that time went by the name of Morana Andherekhol. For the most people, she seemed like an ordinary student. Living their life with head buried deeply in their college books, excelling at being poor and so on. But what all those people didn’t notice is that she was a bit on the ambitious side. And by “a bit” I mean she had her desk drawers filled with encrypted plans on basically world domination and books like “The art of war”. But that was not what caught Lady Chaotica’s attention, it was blueprints for some sort of weapon system that would be worn as an exoskeleton and would basically allow the user to become “telekinetic” (by controlling magnetic fields, generating gravitational force and other sci-fi stuff you see working only in movies). Long story short, the kid had superweapon blueprints in the drawers and the ambition to rule the world. She had a potential to become an almost invulnerable, telekinetic conqueror. Finding her was an equivalent of winning a lottery.

How it all started
As cliché it might sound, it was a cold winter evening when Morana’s doorbell rang. Morana then lazily walked to the door, expecting she’ll have to send a traveling merchant, Jehovah’s witnesses or some other door-knocking nuisance that orbited the doors of her building block quite frequently away. She gripped the doorknob, inhaled, prepared herself for the “for a hundredth time I’m not interested” talk and then she threw the door open. And then she stood there confused. Before her stood an unfamiliar face, a pale face with green eyes she was confident could pierce through souls, framed by hair as black as raven’s feathers. The face belonged to a tall and slender lady, who seemed to be quite a curious presence. Quite a curious, very formally dressed presence, a lady in black, you could say. (And this is where the story gets a bit wilder, since you are about to see some dialogues, yey!)
The Lady now spoke:
- “Good evening, miss! Are you by chance Morana Andherekhol?”
-“Ummm, yeah, I am. Why do you ask?”, Morana replied trying to sound as calm and collected as possible.
Then the Lady in black reached for her pocket and pulled out a badge.
-“Agent Entropias, secret services, I have a search warrant”
“Ummm…what?! Secret services? What are they doing here? Wait… no! No, no, no and NO! It can’t be, no one knows about that! And what kind of name is Entropias? Is she Greek or something?” – those were the thoughts that went through Morana’s head at that moment. But of course, she had to say something as well
“Ummm… Sure, come in. I’m sure this is some kind of mistake, I have nothing to hide. Come in, come in, I’ll make you some coffee or tea. What is it you prefer?”, she led the lady in, closing the door behind them. While she was hoping this agent doesn’t find anything, she knew that she was doomed to be watched by the neighbours for the rest of her life in that neighborhood. Oh well, if this goes fine she might as well search for a new flat.

The Shock and the acceptance
-“You know,  if you really had nothing to hide, you wouldn’t be that nervous.”, said the Lady in Black.
-“Was this an accusation? Am I that obvious? Ugh…think Morana, think, say something normal this time” , and so she said something which definitely did not sound normal, “Uhmmm… I’m not hiding anything… must be a… mistake…hehe”.
- “No need to hide anything from me mortal, I know your secret.”
-“Did she just call me a mortal? What the hell is going on?” , Morana thought to herself as the Lady in Black stepped towards her.
-“My loyal agents, the ravens, have informed me of your… creative activities”
-“The ravens? It’s either me or her that is raving mad here.”
The odd Lady in Black now snapped her fingers and after she was very theatrically engulfed in a shroud of shadows, she transformed into …herself, just in different clothes. They were still black though. So she still was a Lady in Black. It’s just that before she was secret service kind of Lady in Black. And now she was… Countess of Transylvania kind of Lady in Black. And after all those theatrics, Lady in Black spoke:
-“I am Lady Chaotica, Goddess of Chaos”
- “What?” , Morana thought to herself as the goddess continued to talk
“Entropia, One of the First Gods,  The Stirrer of Conflicts, Bane of Order, The Whisperer of Forbidden Secrets, The…” , at this point Morana rolled her eyes and Lady Chaotica noticed it, “Anyway, I have chosen you mortal, to be my Champion, my Chosen one!”
Morana blinks three times, pinches herself, walks to the closet, takes a bottle with some transparent liquid, chugs a bit, turns around and, nope, she’s not dreaming, the so called Goddess of Entropy is still there
-“You are real”, Morana says slowly
-“Of course I’m real, idiot, what did you expect? Of course, you are not the only one who reacted that way. Oppenheimer also had hard time believing it.”
-“That Oppenheimer?”
-“That one”
Morana reminds herself of the existence of the nearby bottle
-"Easier with alcohol, please, I need you sober. Some of you guys really like to try to make yourself feel better in all the wrong ways, like… ", she decided telling her of her previous champions wouldn’t help it, “So, just leave that bottle, ok?”
-“Alright, let us get this straight, you, The Goddess of Chaos, want me, as ‘Champion’, whatever the f*** would that mean, and it has something to do with my secret blueprints, which you know about, because of ravens”
-“Even if I wanted to tell someone about this no one would believe me… So, I guess saying no to a deity is unwise?”
-“Is there something in this for me?”
-“My blessings”
-“Blessings! Great! All I ever wanted!” , Morana though sarcastically. She then said: “Those blessings…what do they do?”
-“Nothing special, they just help you bring more entropy to this world by inspiring you, by affecting your mind mostly”
-“Hold on, affecting my mind?”
-“Why so dramatic, you’ll still be you, just a bit more daring.”
-“Ugh… Fine then”, Lady Chaotica now summons a sword, “Wait, I agreed!”
-“I know mortal, I know, now kneel before your Goddess, so I can properly make you my Champion”
-“So, this is some kind of Knighting ceremony?”
-“Fine by me!”, she kneels then and Lady puts the sword on her shoulder
-“Morana, I hereby name you my Champion, with my blessing, go bring Chaos to this world!”
And thus, Lady Chaotica had a champion again. But I still hadn’t told you of how she ended up in Godville.

The first encounter
Lady Chaotica left Morana’s apartment through a portal that led to her Earthly place, somewhere, in some unspecified foresty hills.
She did have a place in the godly realm as well, but she didn’t feel like going there right now. Sure it was better and all but every time she picks a new champion, the ruler gods come to lecture her. And that’s exactly what she wanted to avoid by not going there.
But she didn’t avoid it. As soon as she sat in her comfiest chair and took some brownies, a portal opened up in front of her.
-“Ugh, great, that’s exactly what I needed”, she says with a sigh as a portal starts to open.
And then Zeus comes out of the portal.
-“Entropia! Why does everyone say you are scheming around again!?”, he thunders as soon as he comes out of the beforementioned portal.
-“Maybe, possibly, perhaps, because I am?”, she replies. And then she continues, “Anyway, Zeus, how come they’ve sent you to talk to me? I expected someone less dramatic for the first warning. Maybe Ahura Mazda? He’s a pretty chill guy.”
-“Actually, they at first wanted to send him, but I volunteered since I have some business to do here on earth anyway so…”
-“You are chasing after some pretty mortal again, aren’t you? It would be a shame if Hera somehow found out…”
-“You wouldn’t dare to blackmail one of the ruler gods!”
-“I just did.”
-“By the universe Entropia, you know no boundaries. Which sort of reminds me of my son Hermes. You have a lot in common.”
-“Zeus, you have so many kids I’d be more surprised if I didn’t have anything in common with any of them. But now let’s talk about that tiny not-a-problem-anymore, you are here for…”
-“Ah, yeah. The ruler gods wanted to deny you the right to keep the champion. Which means…”
-“I’d have to lift the blessing and wipe her memories under your supervision, I know. I received that exact threat the exact amount of times I picked a champion.”
-“Exactly. But I guess, your champion is actually fine so you can keep her and that’s what I’m telling the others.”
-“Thank you Zeus, I always knew you are full of understanding and compassion.”
-“I hope someone eventually gets you…”
-“And I don’t share your hopes.”
Zeus then leaves through a portal the same way he arrived, while Lady of Chaos victoriously chews on her brownies.
-“Hera will know anyway! Not now, but in a week or so, she’ll know…”, Lady Chaotica thinks to herself

Armour of steel and the great magnetic field
Two weeks have passed since the last meeting with her heroine, so Lady Chaotica decided it’s time for another visit.
Besides, Zeus won’t bother her this time, he’s busy being bothered by Hera, hehe.
So, Lady Chaotica arrives through a portal to a garage her heroine owned in that building she lived in. She didn’t own a car though, so it was easily transformable into a workshop.
And it seems Our Lady of Chaos has arrived just in time to see the spectacle.
-“Kinesis Armour mk.I, test 7”, Morana was just testing the armour, for the 7th time.
She turned on all of the systems, concentrated and slowly but steadily lifted a steel chair using magnetokinesis.
-“I see your little invention is working!”, Lady Chaotica shouted across the room, “You just need a little practice!”
-“Yup, it should be ready for field testing by next week!”
-“Next week, I can’t wait, what are the properties? What can it do?”
-“The armour is bullet resistant, heat resistant, has high tolerance to cold temperatures, can control gravity and magnetic fields.”
-“Nice! Can’t wait to see it in action, keep up the good work! I’ll be back!”, Lady Chaotica said and left back to her mountain residence trough a portal.

/in progress/
/sorry about slow chapter progression!/