

Vey 40

level 87

Missing the Coyote 🌙

Age 12 years 5 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 266 thousand
Death Count 116
Wins / Losses 600 / 25
Temple Completed at 12/20/2012
Ark Completed at 12/23/2017 (214.2%)
Twos of Every Kind 455m, 433f (43.3%)
Savings 9M, 398k (31.3%)
Pet Heffalump Scratchy 41st level


Weapon Doomerang +96
Shield guild crest +97
Head Apollo's sunshade +96
Body Lucifur coat +96
Arms duel-purpose gloves +97
Legs boom boxers +96
Talisman 'shoulder angel and devil' set +96


  • cobweb gulp level 76
  • tooth sampling level 66
  • unbearable boredom level 62
  • tin throat level 53
  • instant hairloss level 52
  • epitaph writing level 51
  • flying bird level 46
  • mating contact level 46
  • save-load level 41
  • rickrolling level 31




  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Coach, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Invincible, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Dueler, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Savior, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


Member of the Week

1) How did you choose HM?
Well, as much as I’d hate to admit it, I really look up to my older Brother, Nen. He had a big part in my guild selection. We have more in common than we’d both like to admit. :p So I looked into it. Loved it. Joined. Never looked back. ;)

2) Where does your hero hide his coin purse?
Coin purse? What coin purse!? Vey is just as poor as I am. :p

3) Name something(s) you and your hero have in common.
See above answer. :))

4) What advice would you give a young player?
Whachutalkinabout!? I am a young player! ;) No, in all seriousness, believe in your guild mates. They’re your family. Listen to what they’ve got to say. You might learn something.

5) What toppings do you like on your kitten sammiches?
I like it plain…just make it a double. ;)

Awesome God Friday

taps on the microphone

Ahem! Is this thing on? Good!

It’s time, once again, for us to all swoon over an awesome god (or goddess) in this weeks Awesome God Friday

hears the crowd go wild

Yes, yes! I know! It’s so exciting that I can hardly contain myself either! I do apologize, in advance, if the craftsmanship of today’s AGF is a little… thrown together. Having very short notice (glares at NBC) does not allow for a high quality production. But, enough of my lack of literary genius… we’re here to celebrate the wonderfulness that is Kure!!! Oh, did I forget to mention him already? My bad! I’m still reveling in my own awesomeness, so I sometimes get distracted very… SMACK… okay, okay!

So, about Kure… I tried and tried to think of magnificent things to say about him. I really did! But you know what? Everything I wanted to say, someone else said for me!!! Rude of them, I know, but what can a girl do? So, you know what? I’ll just let them all file onto this stage and and hopefully they can behave long enough to say what’s on their mind.

First up… well, well! It’s Kure’s very own wife!

Kure is a very aggressive player, not only does he strive for perfection but he helps his friends and fellow gladiators work their way to the top. He is an awesome coach and teammate but an even better friend. He is filled with all sorts of helpful information. And is always there for his fellow God Villains ;) ~Kue

Isn’t that so sweet? You’d think she’d been brainwashed by goody-goodies! But I must confess… I think EVERYONE has been. Let us continue…

Kure is definitely a Awesome God! He friended me early on in my GV life and has helped me all along my new life. He invited me to join his new guild and I jumped at the chance! He has been there for me for encouragement and advice, as far as I can tell he is one of the most awesome gods in all of Godville! Congratulations to you for a awesome achievement for a Awesome God! ~Gingervitis

All this sweetness is starting to give me cavities! Will someone pass me a toothbrush, please?

Kure is most definitely an awesome god! As one of the newest members of Harvest Moon’s Blood Council, he has jumped in with both feet, welcoming new guild members, participating in guild events, being active in the guild council, and carrying out his duties as a guild officer with great aplomb. He’s also great fun to have around the Palringo chat rooms and always willing to lend a helping hand around greater Godville. Kudos, Kure! Thanks for being you! ~Bellatrixie the Strange

Thank you for your kind words, Empress! I’m sure he gets his awesomeness from you!

I may not know him all that well, but I’ve become familiar with his work, and if, as I suspect, he’s as dedicated to his friends as he is to slashing and burning his way up the Gladiatorship ranks, we’re lucky to have him. ~Jimbob64

Even those that don’t know Kure all that well have only nice things to say about him! Really now… has someone found that toothbrush for me yet?

When I first met Kure he was newer than me, but soon I began to look up to him. He made me strive to be a better player. He will surely go down in history as one of the greatest gods of godville, and I’m proud to be his friend. ~RaniLada

I’m sure you all can tell by now what Kure’s biggest accomplishments are, but wait… there’s more!

Kure is an excellent guildmate and a great arena fighter! He taught my hero his best arena “trick”. That is, to yank my opponents spine out right through their mouth. “Spine removal maneuver”. ~Tchulmaak

Hmm… Thank goodness I’m high enough in level to not meet Kure in the arena. I like my spine, tyvm!

Kure, a fix for anyone struggling to get that win/loss a bit more on the loss side. He is GV blood and certainly more than a formidable gladiator in the arena. He lives to smote and boy does he lead a awesome and exciting existence doing so. We are all impressed by your determination, great to see you honored! ~Budapesties

Be afraid… be VERY afraid! If you match Kure, run the other direction as fast as you can!

Kure is as awesome a brother as he is a gladiator in the arena. He first came to the land of Godville under the guiding hand of his brother, Nenalata. He learned quickly and has since mastered most all of the aspects of GV through his hard work and dedication to his heroine. Congrats big brother! You have earned this! ~Nuanen

Awww! The love of a sister-in-law! It’s almost too sweet to handle, but I’ll forgive Nuanen… this time.

What is there to say about this guy besides the obvious, “Oh, that guy? Yeah, he’s awesome!” Let’s see… How about why he’s awesome? He tries to help new players whenever possible, he knows the value of good sportsmanship and practices it, he’s always hungry to learn more and to share what he’s learned, his enjoyment of this game as a whole and the arena specifically are contagious, he’s on my “Top 10 Nicest Gods I Know” list, he rises to every challenge with determination and a positive attitude… And, as part of my adopted GV family, he makes me proud to call him “brother” every day. You earned this, Kure – just by being your normal, awesome self! Congrats! I love you, brother! ~Dogess

The… L… word? Really, Dogess? I really hope our next speaker isn’t so… mushy!

To my ravenous, bloodthirsty brother…oh what a glorious reflection you have become. Your malevolent lust for victory in the arena seems so reminiscent of another young Blood Moon warrior… Only, you have been far more successful, and at a much tougher time than in my day not so long ago. Your ferocity in battle, unyielding support to your guild, and simple kindness to all others have easily earned you this well deserved recognition. And as always, I am ever so proud to call you my brother. Here’s to you! Keep up the fight and stay awesome! I’m always watching… ;) ~Nen

So, as you can see, Kure really is one Awesome God and much to my dismay, he may actually be more awesome than me! Now, will someone PLEASE get me that toothbrush???

In my desperate search for a toothbrush, I missed a quote from one of Kure’s friends!!! Yes, I know… I let my quest for oral hygiene cloud my vision. I really do apologize for the oversight! So here is the missing quote, without further ado…

There are a lot of awesome Gods in this game, but for me one of the awesomest is this weeks Awesome God, Kure. I can’t think of anyone who is more deserving of this title. He was my first Godville friend (we met back in June in the arena) and since then he has become one of my closest friends. He and I share similar passions: 1. To take-out and annihilate all those who cross our paths in the arena. 2. To help and teach others how to take-out and annihilate in the arena. 3. Climb to the top of the Gladiator Pantheon. 4. Our love for our children, family and friends. Kure is a great friend, teacher and rival. I owe much of my success in this game to our early days when we used to discuss fighting tactics with each other and here are now both in the top 10 in the arena. Kure, I wouldn’t be there without you nor could I imagine what this game would be like without you in it. You help make this game awesome for me, and I am sure for everyone else you have met through it. Congratulations! ~Mazzy

So, no toothbrush, huh? I may have to take The ANT’s offer of dental floss. All this sweetness can not be good for anyone!

And now, time for some responses!

Glad to see Kure out and about… for a little while I was under the impression you lived in the Arena 24/7, man! But now I see you working away in the rest of GV too, and running your own guild in addition to officership in another. 3 things: first, congratulations. Second, thanks for livening up the place. Which brings me to point number 3: lay off the energy drinks- 30 gallons of 5-hour Energy has got to be waaay more than the recommended dose. And if you’re just this energetic normally, awesome.There’s no need for science to dream about a perpetual motion machine- we found him right here in Godville! ~Jimbob64

Congratulations, Kure -you know why. And who, for that matter. Keep up the great work with the guild. This thing is turning in to a regular Arena Academy I sometimes catch myself thinking. ~Crnobog

Stands on her seat, holds a fist high and shouts: Invictus Maneo! Congratulations, Kure! And thank you for sharing some of the awesome with us!! And thank you Raindropstop for choosing him. Well done! ~Sweet Mayhem

Congrats Kure! I missed joining the AGF because I was on vacation, but you are a truly awesome choice for an Awesome God! I’m happy to name you among my Godville friends and happy that I no longer meet you in the arena :P ~Shannonus

I can’t believe I missed this! Kure, you’re that guy who brings boundless energy, enthusiasm and a whole lot of fun to everything you do…and everyone lucky enough to call you “friend”. Congrats, oh very best of bad influences. And well deserved. ~Timshel

Blood Council Achievements
Congratulations to all of our newly promoted members

The Blood Council has searched for a long several minutes and managed to find three trustworthy members willing to be promoted to position of Officer of Harvest Moon.

New Officers of the Blood Council:

Artemys – Blood Moon Huntress
God Of Tasty – Gastronomer of the Moon
Kure – Blood Moon Vulpini

These gods and goddess have been in Harvest Moon for quite some time. Each has proven themselves, on numerous occasions, to be a member not only willing, but very capable of looking out for the interests of this guild and their fellow guild mates. Being overall great people helped a bit as well. There is no doubt in our minds that these young officers will contribute immensely to the wicked plans that have been awaiting new blood. Check out our guild forum for more information about these three, phenomenal Harvest Moon members.

Famous Heroes of Godville

Vey – 59th-level adventurer, with the motto “Fine gem, that Keleios.”, stands at the 4th position in the pantheon of gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the god Kure. She always wanted to learn how to spin straw into gold bricks, but never found the time.

Vey – 59th-level adventurer, with the motto “Fine gem, that Keleios.”, stands at the 4th position in the pantheon of gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the god Kure. All she ever wanted was a little love and affection.

Vey — 73rd-level adventurer, member of the “Harvest Moon”guild, with the motto “Missing the Coyote 🌙”, stands at the 8thposition in the pantheon of gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the god Kure. Her worst enemy — a Biowolf. Favorite trophy — something that looks like a packet of memory wipes. She is also a huge fan of Last Resort’s pubs.

Now there’s a Moonie who’d scare everybody out of the Arena._
Until he kindly invited them back in…
And promptly slew them.

My Nipper
01:43 AM I heard that if you love someone, you should set them free. I released Nipper into the wild to pursue his hopes and dreams. Meanwhile, I’m off to pursue all my greatest ambitions, in the tavern.

Ark Completion
10:48 PM A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Most Righteous One.