F2P btw.
Achievements so far:
- Temple completed in 68 days. 14,70 bricks per day.
- Ark completed in 68+194=262 days. 5,15 logs per day.
Personal records:
Highest savings in one town visit: The Drunken Clam had a 90-minute wait to sit down! Forget it, I’ll just save my 74438 coins. (Beerburgh)
Most money saved in a day: 170k between 24 Aug 2023 – 25 Aug 2023.
- 68+32 days to hit 1M in savings. 31250 gold saved per day through 0 to 1M.
- 68+62 days to hit 2M in savings. 33333,33 gold saved per day through 1M to 2M.
- 68+98 days to hit 3M in savings. 27777,77 gold saved per day through 2M to 3M. Those skill books start to cost a lot!
- 68+125 days to hit 4M in savings. 37037,03 gold saved per day through 3M to 4M.
- 68+156 days to hit 5M in savings. 32.258,06 gold saved per day through 4M to 5M.
- 68+188 days to hit 6M in savings. 31250 gold saved per day through 5M to 6M.
- 68+217 days to hit 7M in savings. 34482,75 gold saved per day through 6M to 7M.
- 68+246 days to hit 8M in savings. 34482,75 gold saved per day through 7M to 8M.
- 68+275 days to hit 9M in savings. 34482,75 gold saved per day through 8M to 9M.
- 68+298 days to hit 10M in savings. 43478,26 gold saved per day through 9M to 10M.
- 68+328 days to hit 11M in savings. 33333,33 gold saved per day through 10M to 11M.
- 68+350 days to hit 12M in savings. 45454,54 gold saved per day through 11M to 12M.
- 68+366 days to hit 13M in savings. 62500 gold saved per day through 12M to 13M.
- 68+386 days to hit 14M in savings. 50000 gold saved per day through 13M to 14M.
- 68+404 days to hit 15M in savings. 55555,55 gold saved per day through 14M to 15M.
- 68+421 days to hit 16M in savings. 58823,52 gold saved per day through 15M to 16M.
- 68+442 days to hit 17M in savings. 47.619,04 gold saved per day through 16M to 17M.
- 68+465 days to hit 18M in savings. 43.478,26 gold saved per day through 17M to 18M.
- 68+478 days to hit 19M in savings. 76.923,07 gold saved per day through 18M to 19M.
- 68+493 days to hit 20M in savings. 66666,66 gold saved per day through 19M to 20M.
- 68+516 days to hit 21M in savings. 43.478,26 gold saved per day through 20M to 21M.
- 68+536 days to hit 22M in savings. 50000 gold saved per day through 21M to 22M.
- 68+554 days to hit 23M in savings. 55.555,55 gold saved per day through 22M to 23M.
- 68+570 days to hit 24M in savings. 62500 gold saved per day through 23M to 24M.
- 68+595 days to hit 25M in savings. 40000 gold saved per day through 24M to 25M.
- 68+624 days to hit 26M in savings. 34.482,75 gold saved per day through 25M to 26M.
- 68+648 days to hit 27M in savings. 41.666,66 gold saved per day through 26M to 27M.
- 68+671 days to hit 28M in savings. 43.478,26 gold saved per day through 27M to 28M.
- 68+26 days to get 100 logs. 3,84 logs per day through 0 to 100.
- 68+46 days to get 200 logs. 5 logs per day through 100 to 200.
- 68+65 days to get 300 logs. 5,26 logs per day through 200 to 300, thanks Halloween!
- 68+87 days to get 400 logs. 4,54 logs per day through 300 to 400.
- 68+105 days to get 500 logs. 5,55 logs per day through 400 to 500, thanks Christmas!
- 68+117 days to get 600 logs. 8,33 logs per day through 500 to 600, thanks Christmas again!
- 68+136 days to get 700 logs. 5,26 logs per day through 600 to 700.
- 68+156 days to get 800 logs. 5 logs per day through 700 to 800.
- 68+176 days to get 900 logs. 5 logs per day through 800 to 900.
- 68+194 days to get 1000 logs. 5,55 logs per day through 900 to 1000.
- 68+218 days to get 1100 logs. 4,16 logs per day through 1000 to 1100.
- 68+239 days to get 1200 logs. 4,76 logs per day through 1100 to 1200.
- 68+267 days to get 1300 logs. 3,57 logs per day through 1200 to 1300. That’s what happens when your epic quest gets replaced with a guild quest.
- 68+294 days to get 1400 logs. 3,70 logs per day through 1300 to 1400.
- 68+321 days to get 1500 logs. 3,70 logs per day through 1400 to 1500.
- 68+346 days to get 1600 logs. 4 logs per day through 1500 to 1600.
- 68+372 days to get 1700 logs. 3,84 logs per day through 1600 to 1700.
- 68+396 days to get 1800 logs. 4,16 logs per day through 1700 to 1800.
- 68+417 days to get 1900 logs. 4,76 logs per day through 1800 to 1900.
- 68+445 days to get 2000 logs. 3,57 logs per day through 1900 to 2000. I’ll stop keeping track of logs now.
- 68+194+45 days to get 107 manimals and 93 fenimals. 4,44 creatures per day through 0 and 200.
- 68+194+89 days to get 199 manimals and 201 fenimals. 4,54 creatures per day through 200 and 400.
- 68+194+132 days to get 307 manimals and 293 fenimals. 4,65 creatures per day through 400 and 600.
- 68+194+174 days to get 402 manimals and 401 fenimals. 4,83 creatures per day through 600 and 800.
- 68+194+214 days to get 494 manimals and 506 fenimals. 4,92 creatures per day through 800 and 1000.
- 68+194+252 days to get 600 manimals and 600 fenimals. 5,26 creatures per day through 1000 and 1200.
- 68+194+283 days to get 700 manimals and 701 fenimals. 5,74 creatures per day through 1200 and 1400.
- 68+194+315 days to get 790 manimals and 810 fenimals. 6,21 creatures per day through 1400 and 1600.
- 68+194+353 days to get 891 manimals and 911 fenimals. 5,31 creatures per day through 1600 and 1800.
- 68+194+393 days to get 1000 manimals and 1000 fenimals. 4,95 creatures per day through 1800 and 2000.
- 68+194+432 days to get 1100 manimals and 1100 fenimals. 5,12 creatures per day through 2000 and 2200. 17 days of this were with blessing.