

Jasper-kun 456

level 107

Kami ni inorio!

Age 3 years 7 months
Personality neutral
Guild Saturday Night Gamers
(grand master)
Monsters Killed about 294 thousand
Death Count 29
Wins / Losses 71 / 73
Temple Completed at 10/13/2021
Ark Completed at 09/11/2022 (226.4%)
Pairs Gathered at 04/09/2024
Words in Book 22.2%
Savings 15M, 564k (51.9%)
Pet Atomic kitten Xiamese 24th level
Boss Aftermoth with 120% of power


Weapon Thor's jackhammer +118
Shield surge protector +121
Head industrial military complexion +117
Body anti-trust suit +117
Arms adamantium thimble +119
Legs pants o' mimes +117
Talisman karma police badge +119


  • fake smile level 102
  • dove of peace level 101
  • glance of Kaa level 93
  • chakra bending level 92
  • swear-o-matic level 89
  • exhaust of the dragon level 88
  • battle chess level 87
  • strike of the rabbit level 71
  • powerful sneeze level 68
  • full throttle level 60


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Defeat two two-named beasties in a single sail
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Reach the treasure room with single-digit HP
  • ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator
  • ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Raider, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Seadog, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Scribbler, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The Life of Jasper-kun ft. Little Sister (imouto) Kei (with Gleep, as of 07/08/21)

Entry #1

Jasper-kun was born neutral, just like most heroes, I think.

He is a simple human being who thinks of the Goddess, Kei-imouto as something to be worshipped but forgets about Her most of the time. He never fails to call in an emergency, though.

Entry #2

He has turned gentle through the encouragements and care of his Goddess. Well, as gentle as a monster-slaying person can be… probably. The Goddess is quite confused, honestly.

Entry #3

As of now, he is kind. Hopefully not as kind to vicious monsters unless he’s taming them, but that’s not possible yet. This is more of naivete and gullibility than kindness, actually.

Entry #4

Jasper-kun sparred with a friend(Timtris) for the first time. He not-so-utterly lost because there was only a small difference in points. He still lost nonetheless.

He keeps selling all his loot and not bothering to buy new equipment. He instead splurges in beer. The Goddess is considering punishing him everytime she catches him do so.

Entry #5

Contrary to the Goddess’ expectation, Jasper-kun did not dive into drinking much after selling his loot. But maybe that was because he lost at least a third of it while wandering and looking for traders to haggle with.

His equipment is now complete albeit completely negatived, but better than nothing, right?

Entry #6

A new friend (Athenian King) asked for a spar, and Jasper-kun, relaxing at the Last Resort, obliged.

It looked like it would end in a close fight the way it did last time. But because of the power of prayers, his opponent was healed mid-battle, causing Jasper-kun to be beaten close to imaginary death.

And so, Jasper-kun learned, I guess, to pray more to his Benevolent Goddess.

Entry #7

Through the power of Kei, Jasper-kun is now righteous. Not righteous enough to NOT break bold artifacts(!!!) but enough to avoid the Great Goddess’ lightning wrath (as of now).

Entry #8

Jasper-kun died for the first time. A result of lack of prayers and training. His Goddess, upon being alerted, resurrected him immediately. And so, his journey continues.

Entry #9

On 15/07/21, Jasper-kun made Kei-imouto happy. At first, She thought he was swindled again or gambled or bought beer for the whole tavern because there was only 246 coins even though he just finished selling his loot.

But then, She read this:

09:38 p.m. I arranged a whole bunch of coins in a brick shape, clicked my heels together, wiggled my nose, closed my eyes and wished real hard. Then I gave them to the trader in exchange for a gold brick.

Jasper-kun has grown up. sniffles It hasn’t been 2 days since he was born. He, for once, put priority to his Goddess’ temple over his vices.

Now if only Her Godpower is not 0%, She would be able to praise and bless him.

The Goddess hopes that his maturity continues and shall continue to watch Her Hero.

Entry #10

Sylvine asked for a spar today. Of course the brave Jasper-kun accepted, only to be wiped out by a girl.

His Goddess could not help him for She does not have enough power. It has been quite a trend, but it seems Jasper-kun is oblivious to the fact that the tragedies he experiences is because he does not praise Her enough.

Is it human nature to neglect the higher power? Is it pride? Perhaps ignorance? These words shall never be pondered by the carefree hero who quests in his own bliss.

Entry #11

Upon reaching level 10, Goddess Kei-imouto urged Her champion to fight in the arena. The special condition of the match was that the longer the fight is, the more gold coins the winner shall attain.

After 50 steps, multiple healing and suffering from both sides, and with much help from his Supreme Lady, Jasper-kun triumphed. This is his first win in ANY duel.

Hopefully, the gold he earned shall contribute to his Goddess’ temple. But it is of no question that both Goddess and champion are quite satisfied with their victory and winnings.

Entry #12

Jasper-kun now has a virtuous personality. This confuses not only his Goddess but everyone who knows him. They cannot quite remember any notable virtue other than what decency commands.

Since it is the fruit of Her Godpower, Kei does not bother to complain. She just wishes that one of the virtues included in his personality is piety because watching his idiotic mortal deeds without Her guidance can be irritating worrying.

Entry #13

“Kami ni inorio!” These are the words the hero, Jasper-kun lives by. It is from a language in a world beyond Godville. Even the Goddess is not sure it is meant to be spelt that way for She is not an expert of said language. It means “Praise to the gods!” and is meant to be cried out with the hero’s arms raised while balancing on one foot (known as the Glico pose in the otherworld origin nation).

Yes, these words are for Her vanity and self-service. In the end, it did not help her apart from a few comedic reliefs as the baka no hero innocent hero does not know it’s true meaning. He only follows the Creed of his Goddess and tries to spread Her Holy Motto.

He writes it randomly on his diary and on sleeping heroes he passes by. He whispers it to himself before he sleeps and is usually his warcry. It baffles monsters and heroes alike. The irony would be that it does not really empower his Goddess but would usually weaken Her. There are a few witnesses that saw Her rolling while clutching Her abdomen after a random motto moment.

But what matters is the confidence it gives to the hero as he grows and learns about the world.

Entry #14

After simultaneously levelling up and finishing a quest, Goddess Kei-imouto decided to send Her champion to the arena. It was so that they would save time going back to Godville and to earn more golden bricks.

The fight was quite close. Both Deities Encourage their heroes whenever it drops too much. It would seem like in the end, it would still be up to the maneuvers of the heroes to determine the winner, but that was not meant to be.

Due to the nature and multiple capabilities of the Encourage influence, Kei was not able to heal Her champion but merely create a magnificent rainbow. It was quite a spectacle for the audience and a way to show off Her power but it provided to be the downfall of Her champion. Jasper-kun was faced with the disadvantage of his opponent having an extra healing turn.

Nonetheless, Jasper-kun fought valiantly ? until the end. This defeat brought him down from the high of his first win. Perhaps he would learn to strengthen himself as he witnessed the effect of completely relying on his Lady to heal him continuously.

The Lady was quite pissed disappointed because of the defeat. She blames the hero for not praying enough so She didn’t have a surplus of power beyond of the norm. She was still grateful for acquiring another brick for Her temple and is plotting devising a new strategy for their (She and the hero’s) next arena battle.

Entry #15

Jasper-kun is now pure good. Kei-imouto would like to tell him that he is pure good-for-nothing but changed Her mind because he still tries to collect golden bricks for the Temple despite his mishaps. Also, She can’t deny that he is a great source of entertainment… and stress, a double-edged sword if you will.

Today is tribble day and the Goddess is frustrated over her daily bingo. That, and once Jasper-kun sold off the tribbles, he started chucking out artifacts from the inventory for various reasons. The Lady, reins Her anger and tries to deal with him calmly. Stress is not good for the skin (or for anything), after all.

Entry #16

Timtris once again, challenged Jasper-kun in a sparring fight. Goddess Kei-imouto could not offer any support aside from spectating because of her lack of Godpower. Perhaps it was his past defeats, or maybe because he knows his Goddess cannot aid him, or possibly it was by pure luck, Jasper-kun managed to win his first spar match. His stage mother Deity felt proud but couldn’t help feeling like he doesn’t need Her anymore.

Entry #17

Kei-imouto dragged Jasper-kun in yet another arena battle. She was confident in Her Godpower. This proved to be a mistake. It seems like She needs to accumulate more Godpower before entering the arena.

It is yet another episode of Jasper-kun being injured physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, never logically, and healed, only to receive damages again until the Goddess runs out of power. Only then can he find peace.

Recovering after the torture duel, Jasper-kun was called upon again by his Lady. “Join the ‘Knights of the Coffee Table’ guild”. Coffee? He prefers good ol’ ale over any drink, but afraid to face Her wrath (since they just lost again), he embarks on a quest to join the guild.

Entry #18

Jasper-kun has successfully joined the Knights of the Coffee Table guild on 20/07/21 even if he does not have any desire for coffee unless it could also make alcoholic beverages. He died in the middle of the quest and slightly blames the Lady but avoids saying so.

Kei-imouto knows Her hero’s thoughts but just lets him be. Although in Her defense, She was observing closely during the first quarter of the journey and managed to save him multiple times on the second quarter. But Deities need sleep too, albeit for vanity rather than functionality, at least in Her case. It can’t be helped that he perished while She wasn’t watching.

Anyway, the quest was done and She had gotten Her wish. Things are peaceful in Godville for the duo, for now at least. sips coffee

Entry #19

The Hero encountered his first Boss-monster from a miniquest. It was a… something that dropped a hoof. Both Hero and Goddess forgot what it was and are too lazy to check. The Hero is just straight-up forgetful, probably because of all that alcohol. The Goddess was half-asleep at that time and was just woken up by Jasper-kun’s pained moans, giving Her the chance to heal him. It ended up successful so it doesn’t really matter now, maybe.

Entry #20

The hero’s and the Goddess’ lives have been quite repetitive. Questing, leveling up, losing in the arena, that kind of stuff.

The hero has leveled up to 15 and now has a special skill, which he doesn’t use for some reason, but it’s not like the Goddess can do anything about it so, yeah.

The Goddess is now focusing on Encouraging the hero whenever he is in town, hoping to increase the influence of the guild. The repetitiveness of their daily lives is but a small step closer to making Her temple and acquiring more power so She doesn’t complain much.

Entry #21

When Jasper-kun finally reached level 18, Kei-chan was very excited because Her hero can finally have a pet. She seems to think that having a pet would make him more responsible, which seems to be ironic since having a pet hero didn’t make Her more responsible.

10:10 p.m. I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Sun Dog, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Gleep. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.

After a level and a half of waiting and multiple curses from the Goddess when Jasper-kun fled from a potential pet, he finally found his new companion. It was a Sun Dog which he named Gleep. It is unknown if he did this on to insult hail his sleep-inclined Goddess or if it is only a coincidence.

Now the crazy duo becomes a trio. Will the addition of Gleep bring harmony or ensue chaos to the Goddess and the hero?

Entry #22

The Goddess had quite some fun watching the antics of the cute sun dog and the dumb brave hero. But there was still the issue of the slow construction of Her temple. The hero kept mumbling about the power and support the opponents’ deities always seem to have. Then, it hit Her, (not literally for She has greater reflexes than Jasper-kun) if the issue is the amount of influence She can give, why not fight an enemy without any influence, too?

Since then, Jasper-kun gets randomly sent to the ZPG-arena. As per the rules, the deities can’t help their champions so it is all up to said champions (or The Great Random, rather, but let’s not talk about that). Sometimes Jasper-kun wins, other times, he loses, but due to the free golden brick that is sometimes given before the game, even when he does lose, his Goddess is quite satisfied with the results.

Entry #23

Jasper-kun gets pulled out of his quest and thrown into the arena to fight without any help whenever The Lady wishes. He thought that wasn’t very nice, until the lightning bolts were sent his way.

Apparently, She has found a way to further hasten the construction of Her temple. Whenever he has more than 3000 gold coins, lightning would randomly strike. She told him that She was aiming for his purse but sadly, Her aim is not as good as She thinks.

Lightning struck. When it hits him, it hurts. When it hits his purse, he loses his beer money. It was a lose-lose situation for him. His pure goodness gradually vanished with every bolt of lightning, even if it was meant to help him. He just wants to be healthy enough to drink and have enough money for his drunken sprees.

One day, he realised he returned to a neutral state. The bolts of lightning kept coming, leaving his heart darker each time. But he cannot go against Her for he saw what happened to the Abandoned Ones, a fate worse than repeated deaths, a life without purpose. So he released his frustration on the monsters in his way. The more he kills, the more money he has, helping him build the darn temple faster.

He became spiteful, wicked, and now cruel, but Gleep stayed and grew stronger with him, firming his resolve to use the darkness within him to please Her. “When the Temple is done, the Punishment will cease,” is what She told him. He just has to hold on and hope it gets done quickly.

Entry #24

This day started as normal as it gets: questing, slaying, healing, drinking, sleeping sometimes, praying. The Goddess decided to rest and leave the hero be as he usually complains about her micromanaging.

While She was gone, Jasper-kun was able to do whatever he likes. He slayed the monsters on his path, drank some beer, drank some potions too when needed. Sadly, without the guidance of his Lady, the thought of returning to a nearby town did not occur to him.

He fought and pushed on to complete his quest. His supplies gradually ran out along with his health. He tried running a few times when the monsters he faced ended up too strong. His stamina faded, until he can no longer run from his foes. Feeling Death beckoning him, he was about to accept his death when Gleep suddenly threw himself in the way of the enemy’s deadly strike. Gleep was then knocked out.

Jasper-kun didn’t know what to do, his Goddess was not nagging or even saying anything. He carried Gleep and hurried to a nearby town. While healing, he asked the guild doctor to help Gleep but the doctor was not able to wake his beloved pet up.

He then tried to drown his despair with alcohol. When he revealed the situation to a friend, he received a smack instead of sympathy. Apparently, Gleep’s condition can be reversed. He just need to ask a temple priest for help, and “donate” a certain amount for each of Gleep’s levels. Obviously, his money isn’t enough at the moment. Maybe the Lady could help. He apologizes to Her internally for only being pious during certain times.

Entry #25

The Goddess wanted to fry the heck out of Her hero but knows that that won’t help or solve anything so She holds back. She held back both Punishments and Encouragements as She doesn’t want to reduce the money they have been saving for the revival of Gleep.

Jasper-kun, however, tends to drink when he can’t do anything, so he continues to party until he remembers Gleep and stops, eaten by the guilt. The Goddess tries to help him drink less but he tends to release stress by shopping, too, so it never matters.

Thanks to some money he stumbles upon on, some tribbles, and the prize he receives finishing a quest, Jasper-kun is somehow able to save enough to receive help from a priest.

06:48 a.m. A high priest rolled up his sleeves and slapped Gleep, instantly bringing my beloved sun dog back to consciousness! At least, I think he was a priest… Paid him 3561 coins anyway. Oh Gleep, how I’ve missed you!

The sun dog is revived and everything goes back to how it was before.

Entry #26

More or less 30 bricks from the awaited temple, Gleep sacrificed himself for his tamer. This time, Jasper-kun knew what to do, or so he says.

He fought until he had lots of money. For some reason, his Goddess doesn’t hit him with lightning when Gleep is knocked out, so he drank and partied without a care in the world. He felt guilty upon waking up to his knocked out sun dog. It also doesn’t help that he has to carry Gleep everywhere. He’s been pure evil for quite some time but not heartless, just brainless.

After a lot more fighting and a lot more money, he decided to run back to the capital. His Goddess tried to punish him because the quest isn’t finished yet but he blocked it with his coin bag, creating another brick.

He reached Godville and decided to have one more party. It was an amazing forgotten night. His Goddess woke him up with some words that meant nothing to him. Seeing Gleep still asleep and resting while his Goddess nags him knocked out, he hugged his heavy coin bag and whispered each coin a farewell.

The priest, weirded out by this obviously hungover hero, focuses on Gleep and revives him. The duration of his unconsciousness was short enough that it leveled him up. The hero said goodbye to his coins and welcomed his loyal companion back. They then resumed their quest for the Fearsome One’s temple.

Entry #27

07:13 p.m. Wow, a thousandth brick! Now I just need to get to my construction site and finish the temple…

Jasper-kun then finished his epic quest in a matter of minutes and hurriedly went back to the capital. He did went fishing with Gleep but the Goddess let them for She knows that in more or less an hour, She will acquire Her Temple.

08:10 p.m. Carefully placed the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all doors, and cut the ribbon in a stately manner with my sword. I can’t believe it’s finally happened! After all these months of work, the temple in your name is finished, my Lady! I feel crazy with happiness.

So does the cat Goddess. She feels ecstatic. After 91 days of watching over Her mortal champion, She finally has a Temple. It would’ve pleased Her more if it was finished yesterday but it doesn’t matter now.

She let Her champion and his pet make merry before sending a vision of an Ark. This is the next step. It would be a longer wait that 91 days, She was sure but there are also new things to look forward to.

Jasper-kun thought of how much he went through. He doesn’t want to risk his life forever. Too bad So he decided to open a bank account and save for his future. Gleep is growing up, too. He’s scared that his pet would overtake him but staring into the sun dog’s adorable eyes, he saw loyalty. He hugged his sun dog and fell asleep for he drank too much. Again.

This ends the Temple-building chapter of the trio’s lives and opens a different one…