Kaylfang 778
level 164
trader level 47
இ Get outta my dungeon இ
Age | 13 years 11 months |
Personality | gentle |
Guild |
Monsters Killed | about 995 thousand |
Death Count | 220 |
Wins / Losses | 92 / 69 |
Temple Completed at | 11/17/2012 |
Ark Completed at | 08/12/2014 (762.4%) |
Pairs Gathered at | 07/02/2017 |
Book Written at | 06/14/2021 |
Souls Completed at | 07/02/2024 | Shop | “Kleptomart” |
Pet | Philosoraptor Tigger 137th level |
Boss | Oddzilla with 400% of power |
Weapon | plot armor breaker | +176 |
Shield | bubble of isolation | +178 |
Head | prodigal sunglasses | +177 |
Body | sensible attire | +174 |
Arms | smitten mittens | +173 |
Legs | suggestion boxers | +175 |
Talisman | guild key chain | +174 |
- iron vortex level 194
- somersault squatting level 187
- drunken rampage level 184
- electro-broom level 175
- win on points level 170
- radioportation level 167
- frost bite level 167
- selfish interest level 157
- golden vein level 150
- tin throat level 139
- ⓷ Reach the end of the map ✓
- ⓶ Turn in a side job in the last ten minutes ✓
- ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons ✓
- ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones ✓
- ⓶ Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours ✓
- ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely ✓
- ⓶ Single-handedly light up all lighthouses in a sail ✓
- ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row ✓
- ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day ✓
- ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses ✓
Gratitude | 4207 |
Might | 14 |
Templehood | 3645 |
Gladiatorship | 5112 |
Mastery | 24 |
Taming | 3 |
Survival | 450 |
Savings | 4 |
Creation | 3203 |
Arkeology | 31 |
Catch | 2 |
Wordcraft | 10 |
Soulfulness | 10 |
Unity | 9 |
Popularity | 12 |
Duelery | 24 |
Adventure | 11 |
- Honored Favorite
- Honored Hunter
- Honored Miner
- Honored Raider
- Honored Shipwright
- Animalist, 1st rank
- Builder, 1st rank
- Freelancer, 1st rank
- Invincible, 1st rank
- Martyr, 1st rank
- Moneybag, 1st rank
- Saint, 1st rank
- Savior, 1st rank
- Scientist, 1st rank
- Scribbler, 1st rank
- Seadog, 1st rank
- Soulcatcher, 1st rank
- Careerist, 2nd rank
- Champion, 2nd rank
- Fiend, 2nd rank
- Hotshot, 2nd rank
- Coach, 3rd rank