One day the goddess, Katie, got very bored. She decided that she wanted someone around to entertain her on an as-needed basis. She created Robbin from pure imagination.
As Katie was creating Robbin, she thought it may be fun to add a few of society’s quirks and flaws into the mix… She decided the tendency to spend some extra money might be interesting, maybe a little fighting, drunk people always provide a few laughs… As Katie created Robbin, she got a wee bit carried away, accidentally adding wayyyyyy too much of a few good things. Robbin started constantly fighting monsters to the point of near death (sometimes actually dying), drinking constantly, and wasting money all the time.
Katie began to fear for poor Robbin. So she sent a message down from the heavens saying that as long as Robbin prayed for Katie and built her a temple out of gold bricks then Katie would watch over Robbin and protect her from the evils all around. Robbin quickly agreed to this deal, as she was yet again on the verge of death.
As time went on, Robbin began taking the worshipping a little farther than Katie had expected. Robbin added “the Almighty” to the end of Katie. She would pray and sacrifice and even go to the arena when asked. Katie became glad that she gave Robbin an obsessive personality…
That is until Robbin discovered just how much she liked beer. On her 21st birthday, Robbin went pub-hopping. She tried all the different kinds of alcohol. People kept giving her free shots, since she happened to be the birthday girl and the other heroes around her were already drunk. She made several friends that night. Unfortunately the next day, she couldn’t remember any of their names. In fact, the only thing she could remember was that she had REALLY loved beer. She decided to look past the vomit puddle next to her when she awoke the following afternoon and the vomit stained clothes she was wearing. Since she was too scared to try the other types of alcohol again, she has since only drank beer, much to her Goddess’ displeasure. Due to her obsessive personality and inability to focus on more than one thing at a time, she will spend huge INSANE amounts of gold (thousands at a time) in the pubs.
Much to her Goddess’ dismay, Robbin’s obsessive personality has yet to catch on to completing quests. Instead, she often neglects her quests. No matter how many times Katie’s booming voice comes from the heavens, nor how many times writing appears on the ground in front of her, Robbin refuses and often mocks the idea of questing.
Instead, fighting monsters seems more important. Robbin hates the idea that monsters get to run around and pick on the poor little heroes. After all, her righteous personality has to come into play somewhere. She fights most of the monsters she meets. She has even developed a clinical strike and an eye scream to help her smite the wrong doers of Godville. There are times, however, when she feels that her best offense is a good defense, so she hides behind trees, rocks, and the occasional shrubbery. Other times, she likes to quickly advance in the opposite direction as her opponent. Robbin’s favorite occasions are when she receives huge rewards for fighting the monsters. It further encourages her tendency to go to the pubs on her journey to right the wrongs of the world.
As young, naive Robbin grows older, she decides she wants more responsibility. Katie tells her that she must reach level 18 before she can be trusted with any living creature, especially after seeing how she handles her money. Robbin gets quite upset with this response, but agrees, not wanting to put another being in what could potentially be a VERY bad situation. Robbin decides instead that she should try to prove to Katie that she really is responsible. At first she was doing wonderfully! She avoided the pubs, got a few auras to help her, even fought plenty of monsters so she had a steady income…
Then she had a really bad day (which was really only a few days later). All she wanted to do was drink. Robbin couldn’t understand how she could’ve lost in the arena. She had won her first three times! She couldn’t understand why her goddess had abandoned her this time! She decided to show her goddess who was really in control and drink away her sorrows, completely forgetting about trying to prove that she was responsible.
Meanwhile, Katie had been very proud of Robbin. She had shown so much dedication. Katie wondered whether she could’ve been wrong about making Robbin wait so long. She was very distraught over this decision for several days. She sent Robbin to the arena, knowing how she loved a good fight and wanting to make up for making Robbin wait so long. Though the whole fight, Katie couldn’t concentrate. She was so worried about whether she should lower the required level for her dear Robbin. Due to her lack of concentration, poor Robbin lost the fight. Katie felt terribly guilty until she saw how Robbin reacted. She couldn’t believe that Robbin would throw away all her hard work at the pubs! Infuriated, Katie roared down from the heavens This is why I made you wait until level 18!!!!!
Robbin finally reached level 18. Katie was very nervous. She still wasn’t completely sure whether Robbin was ready, but a deal was a deal. Surely she couldn’t do TOO bad… At least Katie hoped so. Okay Robbin, today is the day. Now find a decent pet and DO NOT screw this up!!!
A few days later, Robbin stumbled across a rocky raccoon that she felt the need to care for. Robbin took the poor critter under her wing and tried to train him as best she could. Unfortunately, the only skill the raccoon seemed to learn was “sleep.” Robbin did not give up on him though, eventually naming him Scrat. Scrat, however, did not live long, only reaching about level 7 before Robbin gave up. Much to Katie’s dismay, Robbin never resurrected Scrat and, instead, made him a modest grave on the side of the road.
A few weeks later Robbin realized just how lonely she was without a pet. She had really liked having a rocky raccoon before, so she thought she might try her luck with another one. This is when Robbin met Pinky. It was love at first sight between the two. Robbin and Pinky were inseparable. They fought monsters together, had sandwiches together, even healed together, well… most of the time anyway. So far Robbin has raised Pinky to be a strong pet, reaching level 15! Katie is so proud of her, but wonders just how long that will last.
In attempts to straighten out her heroine and add more humor into her own life, Katie talked Robbin into joining the Knights who say Ni, a wonderful decision on her part. Katie was looking through Guild Headquarters as Robbin was flying through her levels. She knew that once Robbin was level 12, she would go on a quest to find and join a guild. Katie wanted to make sure she joined a unified, fun, and credible guild (Besides… Who could resist a good Monty Python reference???). As Katie searched through the Guild HQ, only one guild truly stood out and caught Katie’s attention. She knew that the Knights who say Ni would be a great influence on her heroine, while providing minutes hours of entertainment for her. Robbin has only tried to defer from this path twice, but Katie knows more times are coming.
Robbin finally reached level 18! She is finally allowed to have her first pet! She can’t decide for the life of her what kind she wants or how she’ll get one. Should she tame a wild monster? Buy one from a pet store? What should she name it? What kind of personality does she want in a pet? All the new decisions to make! Katie gently reminds Robbin, There is no rush. Make a wise decision when choosing your companion, though she is just as excited if not more excited than Robbin. Only time will tell if Robbin’s companion helps her or hurts her.
Robbin will eventually learn that the Knights will be a great place for her (at least her goddess hopes she’ll learn)... Robbin will also probably go through several pets as well (depending on how long it takes for her obsessive personality to latch onto one). Until then it’s questing, fighting, building, worshipping, and healing for young Robbin.