waves hands
These are not the chronicles you are looking for. Move along.
level 92
Eh...Whut? I don't even..
Age | 11 years 11 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 369 thousand |
Death Count | 183 |
Wins / Losses | 17 / 29 |
Temple Completed at | 05/13/2014 |
Ark Completed at | 01/16/2016 (269.7%) |
Twos of Every Kind | 933m, 991f (93.3%) | Savings | 10M, 910k (36.4%) |
Pet | Terror bull Snuffles 24th level |
Weapon | point-and-shoot sword | +100 |
Shield | bank vault door | +102 |
Head | eye tunes | +101 |
Body | out-of-tunic | +103 |
Arms | sacrificial limb | +102 |
Legs | blade running shoes | +101 |
Talisman | sixth sensor | +102 |
Might | 8846 |
Templehood | 9748 |
waves hands
These are not the chronicles you are looking for. Move along.