

Amalphis 666

level 146
trader level 28

mostly AFK

Age 10 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild Guild Name
Monsters Killed about 754 thousand
Death Count 18
Wins / Losses 10 / 6
Temple Completed at 04/30/2015
Ark Completed at 06/05/2016 (685.4%)
Pairs Gathered at 06/30/2018
Book Written at 07/17/2021
Souls Gathered 78.16%
Shop “Malph's Mercantile”
Pet Bipolar bear Marsimalph 76th level
Boss Godbuster with 266% of power


Weapon over-the-top gun +160
Shield magnetic field +156
Head eagle eyelids +160
Body vest of both worlds +158
Arms punchline gloves +160
Legs land legs +158
Talisman unflippable coin +156


  • powerful sneeze level 164
  • intimate tickling level 162
  • stifling embrace level 155
  • frost bite level 154
  • instant hairloss level 144
  • backyard portal level 142
  • slap of the whale level 141
  • electrostatic discharge level 138
  • lucky hoof level 133
  • rickrolling level 120


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Careerist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Miner
  • Honored Raider
  • Honored Shipwright
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Seadog, 1st rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

In hindsight, it was a curse to find 5 Godbuster parts in quick succession.


GV Day 2937 [5/25/2018]
After thoroughly searching the island the crew came back with a treasure bag so full it took a dozen men to carry. They reached the ship and threw the bag on the deck, the contents overflowing onto the weathered teak. Coins. It was full of coins. Thousands of them in fact. After hoisting the sails we turned our attention to port. Word came down from the crow’s nest there was an enemy ship circling the port. Unsure if it was a ghost ship or an industrious captain hoping to pillage our treasure, I psurveyed the crew. Sprits were high, stores were stocked. We sailed east into the uncharted quadrant, hoping to still find an elusive Manimal.

It wasn’t long before we realized our mistake had been my own hubris. To find a full treasure and continue on away from port had been a mistake, we should’ve turned back and risked the other ship. For what we found was a savage two-name beastie, surrounded by reefs on one side, another beastie on the clear side. The ark had been battered and beaten on our voyage and we maneuvered to face one at a time, but there simply wasn’t room. The lesser of the beasties went down surprisingly easily, but the damage had been done. We had to flee.

With the second beast out of the way, we were able to turn the ship and run. The crew immediately took to repairing the ark before turning to face the battle again. The crew performed heroically, defeating the beast. As we peered over the side to see what booty she held, a gasp could be heard for miles. It was another bag of coins! As full as the first, the crew hoisted it over the gunwale and added it to the already heaping pile of coins we had collected.

Weighed down with loot, Mr. Tanwey checked our stores and determined we had enough to get back to port. Turning quickly, we followed the cleared path we had made on our voyage out. Everything had gone our way this sail, the God had looked upon us favorably. Or so I thought. From the starboard side came a great crash; a roaming beastie had its sights on our already limping ship! We turned quickly, expending valuable energy to stay one step ahead of the beast, staving off the fight. It was a good plan until we ran upon an island and were stopped dead in our tracks, letting the roamer catch up and fight.
It wasn’t pretty, but we somehow managed to survive. Only 4% of the ark was left in workable condition, but 4% was enough to limp to the edge of oblivion and back to Godville.

Following our sail, I made my way to the guildhall and heard tales of savings dungeons in favor that morning. My pockets full of 40,000 coins, I threw caution to the wind and descended into the darkness, matching four other brave souls. Or two other brave souls, as it turned out; two of the allies were killed in quick order, which was OK by us, as we were able to divide their share of the loot fairly. All told, I deposited 65,000 into the bank that morning. I think I’ll take the rest of the day off to recover. At least until the crew gets finished repairing the ark. They tell me it will be ready in about 11 hours now.

*{}{}{}{}{}{} Fun Achievements {}{}{}{}{}{}

08:15 AM Fished out a tail of the Godbuster.
– Thanks, but that’s one of the five Godbuster I already have! (12/23/2018)

6/7/2018 – 91.5k deposited via savings dungeon.

5/24/2019 – 77.8k deposited via savings dungeon.

Occasionally Karma works.. Just deposited 77,500 into savings via savings dungeon. Take that, skill upgrade sellers!
37,500 more deposited in SECOND savings dungeon.

Beat my old record below:
7/2/2019 – 09:56 PM Put 89430 gold coins into savings. There is something strangely satisfying about seeing my gold reserve increase.

Didnt know it was possible to save this much in one go:
07:03 PM I went to buy a beer at the local tavern, but the bartender gave it to me on the house for my continued loyalty. I think I’m going to put these extra 57139 gold coins in my savings as soon as I get off this roof.

Gold: 146643 – 7/2/2019
- see above, eventually saved 90k in Beerburgh

Gold: 109226 – 3/4/19

Gold: 97896 – 12/28/2018

Gold: 88957 – 12/23/2018
– 37400 for a skill
– 19k savings

Gold: 82195 – 11/16/2018
– Barely beat the record above!
– 04:03 PM: I just received a perfect attendance award from Beerburgh’s tavern. They even offered to pay my tab for the night so I have 60084 coins to save towards future bar tabs.

Gold: 76024 – 11/7/2018

Gold: 75445 – 12/26/2017

Gold: 66554 – 12/25/2017 — wasted 24k

4/19/2017 – Passed Milepost 1163. Still had 3% of epic left so he probably went further but I didn’t see how far.

Gold: 66054 – 1/23/2017 (before selling)

08:14 – 6/5/2016 – Just over 2 yrs old
A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Most Righteous One.

Gold: 60133 – 6/13/2016

Gold: 49799 – 5/16/2016
-- And I’m a worthless piece of hero-garbage: 05:55 – I can’t find 46811 gold coins. Really hope I didn’t leave them in my pockets when I sent my clothes to the laundry.

Gold: 45079 – 5/11/2016 – Notes.. Murdered a group of AFKs, stole all the loot!

11/16/2016 – Can I murder this guy??
08:30 PM Just spent 41911 gold coins on a new coin bag! Now I have to find some coins to carry in it.

Gold: 45965 – 8/20/2015

Gold: 42876 – 6/7/2015

7/19/2015 – 10:17 AM Felt a burning desire to disassemble the mystery box. Found inside something unbelievable — a scroll with instructions on how to get a premature level up!

7/27/2015 – I’m an idiot!!!
09:30 PM I was all set to donate 35304 coins to my retirement fund, but the bank was closed for a holiday. Spent it celebrating at the tavern instead.

12/30/2015 – 05:10
A fortune teller showed me a magic trick with a pen, where my signature mysteriously appeared on a deposit slip for 24752 coins.

Amalphis — 133rd-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “mighty quit”, stands at the 112th position in the pantheon of Might under the vigilant supervision of the god Jenaje. Distinctive features: a reckless disregard for danger, and an incredibly high pain threshold caused by repeated exposure to blunt objects.

Amalphis — 133rd-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “mighty quit”, stands at the 19th position in the pantheon of Wordcraft under the vigilant supervision of the god Jenaje. He asked us not to feature him in this issue, but we do what we want.

Amalphis — 126th-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “Taking out the garbage”, stands at the 167th position in the pantheon of Might under the vigilant supervision of the god @Jenaje. The monsters of Godville now dream of him in their wildest nightmares.

Amalphis — 117th-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “Dinguses gonna ding”, stands at the 100th position in the pantheon of arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the god @Jenaje. The hero has no distinctive features to date; however, he promises to get some before his next appearance.

Amalphis — 111th-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “Dinguses gonna ding”, stands at the 109th position in the pantheon of taming under the vigilant supervision of the god Jenaje. His worst enemy — a Model Major General. Favorite trophy — something that looks like a 5-second ruler. He is also a huge fan of Egopolis’s pubs.

Amalphis — 110th-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “Dinguses gonna ding”, stands at the 62nd position in the pantheon of survival under the vigilant supervision of the god Jenaje. He is known for his disarming smile and ability to wake even the most exhausted comrades with his laughter.

Amalphis – 83rd-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “DEATH TO DUNGEON AFKs”, stands at the 161st position in the pantheon of taming under the vigilant supervision of the god JJewell311. He’s asking someone to find a white lie and color it and report the results via telegram.

06:19 PM Yes, Almighty! Following your command I blindly made a praystation using the pillow pet, psionic tonic and 22 gold coins as materials.

first datamine:
06:31 AM Notes from the datamine: the run is over. Godbuster obtain one word for the book and one data packet.

Got 18191 gold coins for the bosscoin. Just like it was published in the newspaper. (Roadside traders don’t buy EVERYTHING for 2x apparently)

Weird guy who didn’t believe my pet was riding: 09:51
Crept up to my blind gorgon and smoothly mounted him in one leap. All I need now is a sunset.