

Jean Paulo 461

level 113

For Great Justice

Age 12 years 2 months
Personality spiteful
Guild Blue Feather
Monsters Killed about 444 thousand
Death Count 97
Wins / Losses 52 / 39
Temple Completed at 07/23/2018
Ark Completed at 10/03/2021 (253.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 07/12/2023
Words in Book 38.6%
Savings 17M, 682k (58.9%)
Pet Starfish trooper Sooba 33rd level
Boss Blamethrower with 121% of power


Weapon great maul of fire +122
Shield do-not-touch screen +122
Head third eye monocle +122
Body ninjammies +124
Arms hyper cufflinks +123
Legs speedo of light +123
Talisman sliver of hope +124


  • disarming smile level 104
  • radiokinesis level 103
  • mosquito roar level 97
  • sober view level 95
  • lucky hoof level 92
  • cash whistle level 91
  • dragon pout level 88
  • elbow bite level 87
  • quantum leap level 85
  • mating contact level 79


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator
  • ⓵ Fail both arena and dungeon within an hour
  • ⓵ Walk a pet that has sat in the ark for a year




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Careerist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Raider, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

IQ points : 77

Approved ideas:

  • 03/02/13 02:13AM Body: Tesla chainmail
  • 03/20/13 09:09PM Misinterpreting natural events as god signs…
  • 02/01/13 11:36PM Searching the right path trusting the %pet_class% instincts of %pet_name%…
  • 02/01/13 11:27PM Taking the path that smells better…
  • 02/01/13 10:26PM Me and my guildmates from %hero_guild% managed to save all children from an orphanage on fire in %current_town% and we were applauded by the entire population for this act of heroism. Finally I feel like a real hero!
  • 01/17/13 07:31PM %hero_guild% threw a big party and all %current_town% was there! Best. Party. Ever!
  • 01/14/13 06:29PM There are marching bands, floats and large ballons along the streets of %current_town%. Better get my guild uniform and go march with my guild comrades, it’s %hero_guild% parade!
  • 01/14/13 06:18PM A pair of floating glowing hands appeared behind me. They snapped their fingers and maked a relaxing massage on my shoulders. I feel much better now!
  • 01/12/13 09:57PM Graffitied %hero_guild% signs on all walls and buildings throughout %current_town%. This will show to the townsfolk that %current_town% is %hero_guild% hood now, at least until they paint it all over again.
  • 01/09/13 09:25PM Paying temple builders with beer…
  • 01/07/13 08:50PM Listening to world map theme…

Sparring partners:

Chronicles transcribed from my diary, journals and Third Eye visions, while relaxing in my cozy room in the guild’s estate after reading the Book of SBFH, indicated by the Great One himself:


  • 07:49 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Fire Ent was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 08:32 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Auto Pirate was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 09:40 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Dandy Lion was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 06:44 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Giant Enemy Crab was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 09:01 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Scurrying Nimble Sweeping Repelican! Jean Paulo became the owner of 5158 coins, a fillet of the Repelican, a golden brick, a gif card, an irresistible charm and a “Post Mortem Communication for Dummies” book.


  • 08:33 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Broadbandit was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 09:29 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Explosive Nimble Oreoboros! Jean Paulo became the owner of 6046 coins, a shred of the Oreoboros, a golden brick, a golden brick, a bucket of antimatter, a creative license, a pitcher o’ health, the daily special, a photo of a monochromatic rainbow, a party timer, a continuum transfunctioner, a one-of-a-kind item and a chain reactor.


  • 04:50 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Beerkat was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 11:47 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Megaphony was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 02:30
    A freak gust of wind blew my guild promotion flyers out of my hands. Amazingly, a sudden vortex then dispersed the flyers, sending one into the letterbox of every household in Last Resort! Truly, “Blue Feather” will blow all other guilds away in this town.
  • 02:30
    I was trying to convince a town-dweller of the benefits of joining “Blue Feather”, when suddenly I split into a hundred clones of myself, who each continued to try to convert the locals before fighting to the death, leaving only me. The lucky residents of Last Resort shall fondly remember the day they were overrun with a plague as handsome as this!


  • 05:08 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Arrestocrat was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 07:13 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Ragnarokker was used up for gold and experience! Heading to town to heal and guzzle the loot.


  • 09:25
    The “Blue Feather” theme song blasted from the heavens over the main square as the farmer’s market was showered with confetti in our guild colors. Real subtle publicity there, Great One.
  • 04:01
    Blue Feather’s members organized a temporary petting zoo in the main square. The people loved it and no one was accidentally mauled.


  • 08:54
    Voices erupted in the Next Station town square. When I went over, I saw the fountain flowing with beer and a pile of mugs with “Blue Feather” written on the side. Everyone likes us now!
  • 03:15 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Sillymander was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 07:06 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the Great Random have defeated the Sweeping Alpha Mole! Jean Paulo added 4256 gold coins, a fillet of the Alpha Mole, a golden brick, a golden brick, a recipe for success, a portable stairway to heaven, some hippocratic oats, a déjà voodoo doll and a back pedal to his bag.


  • 02:57
    As I entered the town square, a flash mob appeared and sang a rousing rendition of the “Blue Feather” theme song, along with elaborate choreography, then faded away into the cheering crowd.
  • 09:39
    “Blue Feather” signs appeared on all the walls and buildings in town in glowing paint. This will show the other guilds that Los Demonos is our territory now, at least until they paint it over again.


  • 09:35 PM
    Notes from the arena: Uniqa is on her knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 5823 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 10:26
    Incredibly, the front page of every newspaper in town turned into an advertisement for “Blue Feather”.
  • 09:57 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Pundemonium was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 01:58
    A priest suddenly realized that the sacred inscription on the ancient monolith in the town square was actually an anagram of “Blue Feather”!
  • 01:58
    A group of fans from a rival guild were in Godville spreading the word about their “Zerglings” guild, when suddenly their pants burst into flames. They ran off screaming and I smoothly took over, assuring the townspeople about Blue Feather’s non-combustible attire.
  • 01:36 AM
    Visited Adelia. The doctor said her chances were slim unless I make a half-life whole again. No time to waste!


  • 08:36 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Zodiyak was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 04:53 AM
    Won several rounds of darts against Hizka at the pub, so she had to pay for the drinks. I guess I’ll put these 1379 gold coins away for a rainy day.


  • 10:44 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Pickpocketing Mutating Dragonandon! Jean Paulo got 4722 gold coins, a heart of the Mini-Dragonandon, a box of sins, a disharmonica, a hungry tribble and a pre-paid indulgence card.


  • 10:10
    Helped the citizens of Simpletown recycle the thousands of pink-feather-boa-clad, guild-leader statues that mysteriously showed up.
    A group of fans from a rival guild were in Simpletown spreading the word about their “Lazy Stupid and Vengeful” guild, when suddenly their pants burst into flames. They ran off screaming and I smoothly took over, assuring the townspeople about Blue Feather’s non-combustible attire.
    Billboards all over Simpletown proclaimed the local beer bottle recycling drive a success, thanks to help from the members of “Blue Feather.” And I have never been more proud of my contribution to anything.


  • 10:10
    Notes from the battlefield: The Placeboss was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds. The enlightened boss turned out to be a good ingredient for a deep prayer.


  • 04:59 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Polygloater was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 04:41 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Headhaunter was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 10:55
    The flagpole bearing the “Blue Feather” flag grew dramatically in height, channeling a storm of thunderbolts destined for the townsfolk safely into the ground.
  • 02:05 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Squandering Leeching Deafening Vanillain! Jean Paulo became the owner of 3287 coins, a golden brick, a monumental tusk and generic goodness in a bottle.


  • 07:41 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Wraptor was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 04:58 PM
    Sarsinaia asked me if I could finish her quest to perform an inventory check along the Chosen Ones’ migration route for her. I’d do anything to help a frie… Hey! She hasn’t even started!
  • 08:59
    Billboards all over Godville proclaimed the local beer bottle recycling drive a success, thanks to help from the members of “Blue Feather.” And I have never been more proud of my contribution to anything.


  • 07:58
    I was preaching about my guild in the main square when there was a sudden flash in the sky and gold coins started raining down. People will remember “Blue Feather” for a long time here!
  • 07:58
    The mayor of Godville suddenly started choking during a public ceremony. I leapt from the crowd, yelled out ‘Not on Blue Feather’s watch!’ and performed the Heimlich maneuver until the mayor coughed up a leprechaun and started to breathe again. They’ll remember our guild around here, that’s for sure.
  • 06:44
    The sunlight flared a brilliant white, and by the time the city-dwellers had blinked away the spots, one of their community revitalization murals had changed to depict me and my guildmates. Surely the people of Godville will feel blessed that such beauty graces their dilapidated walls!


  • 11:59
    Helped the citizens of Unsettlement recycle the thousands of pink-feather-boa-clad, guild-leader statues that mysteriously showed up. My guild is going to gain more influence here.


  • 10:20 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Sneaky Rootbear! Jean Paulo became the owner of 5211 gold coins, an ear of the Rootbear, a golden brick, fur of the Rootbear, a dream sweetener, a switched-at-birth certificate, a flawed coping mechanism, a holy smoke generator and a troubleshooting star.
  • 06:26
    A totem pole unexpectedly grew up out of the middle of the main high street in the center of Godville, depicting the face of each and every member of “Blue Feather” guild! We’ve certainly become more recognizable here, Almighty.


  • 03:02
    A group of fans from a rival guild were in Nothingham spreading the word about their “RNGods” guild, when suddenly their pants burst into flames. They ran off screaming and I smoothly took over, assuring the townspeople about Blue Feather non-combustible attire.
  • 03:02
    Crop circles appeared in the fields around Nothingham bearing a striking resemblance to the crest of “Blue Feather”! I hope the damage doesn’t affect beer production, Almighty.


  • 04:16
    Local traffic was disrupted by a long entourage of geese crossing the street, squawking loudly: “Blue Feather!” The townspeople will definitely remember this.


  • 10:02 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Nimble Faithless Overhearing Bossquito! Jean Paulo got 2695 gold coins, a horn of the Bossquito, a holy smoke generator, a mole-extracting shovel, a can of frozen antifreeze and a pocket universe.


  • 12:07
    A bunch of members of Blue Feather guild got together to reenact the ancient Battle of Godville. Apparently no one told the townsfolk, because they’re now convinced we saved them from time-traveling marauders.
  • 07:45
    I was singing the “Blue Feather” anthem in the town square when three angels swooped down and provided a catchy accompaniment. That tune is really stuck in everyone’s head now.
  • 07:45
    Well-known archaeologists found out that beer was actually invented by ‘Blue Feather’ members! This piece of news spread across the town, filling the people with awe and gratitude for my guild.


  • 07:33 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Centourist was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 06:48 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Snowman was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 12:10 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Awkwarg was used up for gold and experience! Heading to town to heal and guzzle the loot.


  • 03:51 AM
    Notes from the arena: Glutton Mutton surrenders. Jean Paulo definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 7391 gold coins.


  • 08:52 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Jaguardian was used up for gold and experience! Heading to town to heal and guzzle the loot.
  • 06:45 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Leeching Scurrying Giga Byter! Jean Paulo got 4726 coins, fur of the Giga Byter, a golden brick, a karma maintenance handbook, a green fairy in a bottle and a whine decanter.
  • 05:35 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo grabs 10774 gold coins, a log for the ark, a chrono trigger, a license to drill, a history repeater, a hexcavator and a hot seat. Ferg Wadsworth left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 3575 gold coins in total as a consolation prize.


  • 09:33 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Polygloater was used up for gold and experience! Heading to town to heal and guzzle the loot.


  • 08:52 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The adventurers loot the secret treasury. Jean Paulo puts 11117 gold coins, a log for the ark, a free fall accelerator, a real piece of work, a mnemonic device and a gift of fate in his pockets. After depositing all their gold into a savings box next to the exit, the heroes ascend to the surface.
  • 07:17 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the Great Random have defeated the Overhearing Auriferous Heromnivore! Jean Paulo added 9785 coins, a golden brick and a liquid crystal ball to his bag.


  • 06:39 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo obtains 9204 coins, a log for the ark, a super bowl, a just-in-timer and a diary entry generator.
  • 03:25 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Jaguardian was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 03:16 AM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove. Jean Paulo takes 11762 gold coins, a log for the ark, an emergency exit, a mind opener, a crackerjack prize, a heavy-metal detector, a monster magnet and a box with a question mark. Takanua and Cheap Beer left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 8032 gold coins in total as a consolation prize.


  • 09:48 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove. Jean Paulo gets 14878 coins, a log for the ark, a time amplification device, an alternate reality cheque and a random number generator. O041 left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 4652 coins in total as a consolation prize.
  • 03:54 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Explosive Pickpocketing Deafening Censorcerer! Jean Paulo got 6374 coins, a heart of the Censorcerer, a golden brick, a liquid crystal ball, a bold item, a roll of waterproof tissue paper, a cross-sword puzzle, a Darwin award and a riddle-wrapped enigma.


  • 01:41 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the Great Random have defeated the Pickpocketing Scurrying Frognarok! Jean Paulo got 5130 gold coins, an ear of the Frognarok, a final countdown clock, a lucky seahorse shoe, some tar and feathers and an alchemical transmuter.


  • 07:22 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Cholestroll was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 02:33 AM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove. Jean Paulo grabs 11345 coins, a log for the ark, a supersonic screwdriver, a divine spark, a monster magnet and a gift of fate. Saint Joan of Arc left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 3466 coins in total as a consolation prize.


  • 11:53 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo gets 9259 gold coins, a log for the ark, a hand satanizer, a bag with 99 red doubloons and a box of sins.
  • 00:39 AM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo grabs 9336 gold coins, a log for the ark, a random number generator, an alchemical transmuter, a universal discharger and a rocket science kit.


  • 04:29 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo takes 15208 coins, a log for the ark, another log for the ark, a recipe for success, an eerie silence generator, a pearl of wisdom, a Darwin award, a time amplification device, a unicornucopia, a window to the soul, a crackerjack prize, an urge suppressor, a deus fax machina and a hand satanizer. Captain Croak, Fretteng and Waylanderr left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 15282 coins in total as a consolation prize. After depositing all their gold into a savings box next to the exit, the heroes ascend to the surface.
  • 08:43 AM
    Notes from the arena: Tataray is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 4435 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 03:53 AM
    Notes from the arena: Ifins is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 3155 gold coins. The winner gets a log of gopher wood in accordance with the special rule of this fight.
  • 01:57 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Skelebrity was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 03:53 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo gets 9507 gold coins, a log for the ark, a block of administratium, a perpetual emotion machine and a miniature siege tower.
  • 03:01 PM
    Notes from the arena: Demonic Influence on her knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 11214 coins. The winner gets a log of gopher wood in accordance with the special rule of this fight.


  • 06:53 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Deafening Mutating Vertigoat! Jean Paulo got 8171 coins, a hoof of the Vertigoat, an IQ point, a psionic tonic, an abracadabacus, an inner voice amplifier, some tough luck softener, a stereolith, a textbook on material strength and a frame of mind.


  • 10:10 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove. Jean Paulo gets 11914 coins, a log for the ark, an awkward silence generator, a hurricane in a bottle, the heart of the matter, a genetic marker, a license to drill and a boss monster’s paycheck. Daisy Wigglesworth left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 3960 coins in total as a consolation prize.


  • 03:20 AM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove. Jean Paulo puts 8654 gold coins, a log for the ark, a history repeater, a hammer of realignment and a parallel universe navigator in his pockets. After depositing all their gold into a savings box next to the exit, the heroes ascend to the surface.
  • 01:00 AM
    Notes from the arena: Raithorn surrenders. Jean Paulo definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 7051 gold coins.


  • 11:07 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo gets 9827 gold coins, a log for the ark, a lightning bolt cutter, a chain reactor, résumé polish and an absolute vacuum cleaner.
  • 10:39 PM
    Notes from the arena: Geminata is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4946 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 07:21 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Leeching Beermonger! Jean Paulo got 2580 gold coins, a fillet of the Beermonger, a golden brick, generic goodness in a bottle, a knit-picking kit and a portable quest generator.


  • 09:38 PM
    Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Jean Paulo gets 8528 gold coins, a log for the ark, another log for the ark, a hazardous minerals map, a tightrope loosener and a solar-powered darkness absorber.
  • 08:55 PM
    Notes from the arena: Thistlethorn is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 46401 gold coins and a golden brick. The winner gets a log of gopher wood in accordance with the special rule of this fight. The loser cadged 310 coins back.
  • 10:20 AM
    Notes from the arena: Umbrio is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 16331 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 11:24 PM
    Notes from the arena: Supra88 is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 16471 coins and a golden brick. The winner gets a log of gopher wood in accordance with the special rule of this fight.


  • 01:38 AM
    Notes from the arena: Blasko valoar is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 8598 coins and a golden brick.


  • 12:22 AM
    Notes from the arena: Grim Reefer is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 17926 gold coins. The winner gets a log of gopher wood in accordance with the special rule of this fight.


  • 04:28 PM
    Notes from the arena: Yet against is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 9963 gold coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 102 coins to his rival to buy medicine.
  • 02:57 AM
    Notes from the arena: Halcyon Magnus is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 233 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 10:52 PM
    Notes from the arena: Artemisia Fioralba surrenders. Jean Paulo definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1616 gold coins.


  • 11:23
    Notes from the arena: Vaelyn is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 3276 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 11:39 PM
    Notes from the arena: Wendigone is on her knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! Extra gold prize collected by the fans for the winner is 5454 coins. The winner got richer by 2 gold coins and a golden brick.
  • 04:34 PM
    Notes from the arena: Frank Zapa is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 6337 gold coins.


  • 11:59
    Notes from the arena: Esamara Miazeiros surrenders. Jean Paulo definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 4403 gold coins and a golden brick.


  • 12:11 PM
    Notes from the arena: Petrobot surrenders. Jean Paulo definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 165 gold coins.


  • 10:54 PM
    Notes from the arena: Crystalingus is on her knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1595 coins.
  • 01:03 PM
    Notes from the arena: Souleffekt is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 3971 coins.


  • 10:03
    Notes from the battlefield: Setrana is defeated. Jean Paulo got 989 gold coins. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Setrana’s hair and a golden brick at his disposal.


  • 06:11
    Pilot suddenly rushed in front of a runaway cart to rescue a child. I explained to amazed onlookers that this was standard bipolar bear training by the Blue Feather . They will be talking about this for some time.


  • 04:15 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: Servero is defeated. Jean Paulo got 1360 gold coins. Jean Paulo put a pitcher o’ health, a kinetic energy bar, a tank of healium, a lock of Servero’s hair and a golden brick into his bag.
  • 10:00 PM
    After such a glorious battle with the Bipolar Bear I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Pilot, let’s go questing!


  • 03:05 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: Faydane Grace was defeated. Jean Paulo got 1344 coins. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Faydane Grace’s hair and a golden brick at his disposal.


  • 04:19
    Was mistaken for a doctor from “Complexity ovda Superior” guild. Managed to send all the high-ranking members who’d cut in front to the back of the line before I was discovered.


  • 05:39 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: Kobe Tai was defeated. Jean Paulo got 5528 gold coins. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Kobe Tai’s hair and a golden brick at his disposal.


  • 10:59 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Ancient Demon was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds


  • 04:39 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: Jim12957 was defeated. Jean Paulo added 1869 gold coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Jim12957’s hair at his disposal.


  • 08:51
    Saw a tree that had a heart etched into it with ‘Jean Paulo + Ryba’ inside of it. Hmm… I think Ryba might be confused about the depth of our relationship.


  • 11:05
    A group of fans from a rival guild were in Godville spreading word about We have ways of making you talk when suddenly their pants burst into flames. They ran off screaming and I smoothly took over, assuring the townspeople about the Blue Feather’s non-combustible attire.


  • Notes from the battlefield: Darkclaw608 was defeated. Jean Paulo added 3706 coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo now has a good point, the heart of the matter, a carrot and stick gift set, a zombie apocalypse poster, a vial of cursed holy water, a tropical snowglobe and a lock of Darkclaw608’s hair at his disposal.


  • 02:32 PM
    I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Ninja Tortoise , you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Tige. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.


  • 05:49
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the great random have defeated the Pickpocketing Hulking Nimble Terracotta Worrier ! Jean Paulo became richer by 4433 gold coins.
  • 05:30
    Notes from the battlefield: While digging, Jean Paulo, Pictauras and Who Ru disturbed someone’s lair. A giant Pickpocketing Hulking Nimble Terracotta Worrier shows up in front of them…


  • 05:54
    The astrologists of Bumchester announced the discovery of a brand new constellation in the shape of my guild’s emblem! The townsfolk are enthralled. This is the dawning of the age of “Blue Feather” !


  • 04:30
    Notes from the battlefield: Ururu was defeated. Jean Paulo added 1557 gold coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Ururu’s hair at his disposal.
  • 04:26
    Ururu wished to learn some of Jean Paulo’s combat skills. Jean Paulo demonstrated his “battle chess” skill on Ururu.
  • 04:12
    Notes from the battlefield: Jean Paulo and Ururu met in a field and began to argue about whose god was cooler. It soon escalated into a fight.


  • 09:30
    I’m beginning to think that trying to become the 79th member of the guild “The Old Gods” was just a rhetorical quest all along. I’ll leave it to the philosophers and find something more practical to do.
  • Notes from the battlefield: The Level Boss was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 08:09
    Notes from the battlefield: Disco Jesus was defeated. Jean Paulo got 1906 gold coins. Jean Paulo put a lock of Disco Jesus’ hair and a golden brick into his bag.


  • 12:42
    The flagpole on the “Blue Feather” guild hall grew dramatically in height and acted as a lightning rod, channeling a storm of thunderbolts destined for the townsfolk safely into the ground.
  • 12:42
    There are marching bands, floats and large balloons along the streets of Herowin . Better get my guild uniform and go march with my guild comrades: it’s a “Blue Feather” parade!


  • 09:08
    A spotlight alerted me to a lowly tramp trying to steal from a shop, and I arrested him in the name of “Blue Feather” . The shop owner praised my guild in front of the whole town. Thanks for the tip-off, Omnipotent One.


  • 03:44
    Suddenly realized that to become the 94th member of the guild “The Sworn Soldiers of Sin” doesn’t sound heroic enough for my chronicles. Thank you, Almighty, that could have been a real stain on my reputation!


  • 01:12 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Archnemesis was used up for gold and experience! Heading to town to heal and guzzle the loot.


  • 09:07
    Ran into Ren Sohma at the tavern. We shared a drink or two, I guess… Judging by my empty wallet, I think we had a good time.
  • 12:37
    Crop circles appeared in the fields around Deville , which bear a striking resemblance to the “Blue Feather” crest! I hope the damaged produce doesn’t affect beer production, Luminous One.


  • 08:34
    A group of fans from a rival guild were in Godville spreading word about First Pantheon of Progress when suddenly their pants burst into flames. They ran off screaming and I smoothly took over, assuring the townspeople about the Blue Feather’s non-combustible attire.


  • 08:15
    Suddenly realized that to become the 91st member of the guild “Lost Pantheon of Progressive Vikings” doesn’t sound heroic enough for my chronicles. Thank you, Almighty, that could have been a real stain on my reputation!


  • 03:00
    Suddenly felt movement in my pocket and pulled out an official document stating that the leader of “Blue Feather” is a descendant of the town’s founder. The citizens of Tradeburg seem to like us a lot more now!


  • 07:55
    Felt my backpack lighten a lot. Then a gold brick dropped into my palm from my sleeve. Holy magic!


  • 06:53
    Notes from the battlefield: Truckthunders is defeated. Jean Paulo added 2420 gold coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo became the owner of a great rag: protective pentagram. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Truckthunders’ hair at his disposal
  • 06:37
    Notes from the battlefield: It seems like Truckthunders and Jean Paulo want to discuss something to the death.
  • 06:34
    Yearning for some arena fun, spent some time throwing empty bottles at a random passerby.


  • 06:37
    A luminous halo suddenly appeared above my head. Seized the opportunity and ran to the city square to preach your word to the townspeople. My guild is going to gain more influence here.


  • 07:08 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: After Jean Paulo’s last hit, DaHunn decided it was a good time to rest in pieces. Jean Paulo added 1014 coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo put a white hole, a pineapple bomb, a backstage pass, some anti-bacterial software, a lock of DaHunn’s hair and a golden brick into his bag.


  • 08:30
    Pretended I was running for office and shook everyone’s hand in Godville . “Blue Feather” will surely gain influence here.
  • 06:58
    Suddenly a cold beer appeared in my hand. Mighty One, you really do care about me!
  • 01:53
    Shouted, “I am Jean Paulo, member of the “Blue Feather” guild. This drought is over!” just as rain started to pour from the sky. Yep, the townsfolk won’t forget this anytime soon.


  • 01:10 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: Jugg is defeated. Jean Paulo got 708 coins. Jean Paulo put a potential energy drink and a lock of Jugg’s hair into his bag.
  • 13:09
    Jugg begged for a break, so Jean Paulo broke his nose.
  • 12:59
    Jean Paulo counted the stars floating around his head, then suddenly grabbed one and threw it at his enemy.
  • 12:54
    Jugg used his “inept singing” skill. Jean Paulo shuddered in fear.
  • 12:52
    Jean Paulo and Jugg failed to disperse on the forest path and engaged in mortal combat!
  • 12:48
    The local tavern owner suddenly proclaimed ‘Free beer on behalf of the “Blue Feather” guild!’ Looks like my guild is getting great recognition in this town.


  • 11:45 PM
    Decided to kill a dragon barehanded. After all, what could possibly go wrong?


  • 01:00
    I love having a ninja tortoise ; it’s like pretending to be a god.


  • 10:18 AM
    The Epic Flailer raised its hand for a deadly final strike against me, when Pinky suddenly threw himself under its feet. The monster stumbled and fell dead on the ground, its neck broken. Pinky was knocked out by the hit of the monster’s carcass. Oh, my Lord, if I don’t bring him back to his senses in time, he’ll lose all his levels and his will to compete!


  • 11:48
    Met Murrue Ramius as we were walking from milestone to milestone. She worships a false god, but otherwise seems to be a decent sort of girl. I shall pray for her soul.
  • 07:34
    Took a snowball in the ear from Ryleee .
  • 06:10
    Every member of “Blue Feather” in town suddenly grew nearly half an inch taller. The residents of Last Resort are mildly bemused, but our guild has clearly increased in stature here today.


  • 08:21
    Hmm, Pinky the ninja tortoise… Not the catchiest name I could’ve come up with. Maybe I should have called him Grimhauld ?


  • 10:26 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Wherewolf was used up for gold and experience! Time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 06:22
    Suddenly, there was news about a golden calf grazing in a field near Tradeburg. Omnipotent One, was that your handiwork? I took this opportunity and declared it a sacred symbol of the “Blue Feather” guild.


  • 11:34 PM
    Notes from the battlefield: Fassy Blappser was defeated. Jean Paulo added 220 coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo now has a lock of Fassy Blappser’s hair at his disposal.
  • 02:19
    Clueless Man ran out of the bushes shouting “Jean Paulo, I’m coming!”, tripped over a tree root, and fell on the ground, knocking himself out cold. As usual, I have to do everything myself.


  • 11:19
    Stealthily followed Adelia to see if she knew a secret shortcut, but she just seemed to walk in circles. Eventually I caught up to her and asked what she’d been doing, and she sheepishly admitted she’d been following me, looking for a secret shortcut…
  • 07:14
    As the earth rippled, a statue of the founder of “Blue Feather” guild appeared in the market square. For some reason it was clad in a pink feather boa. Surely the townsfolk will talk about this for a long time.


  • 12:44
    Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the great random have defeated the Hulking Summoning Squirmisher! Jean Paulo got 2119 gold coins.
  • 12:26
    Notes from the battlefield: While digging, Jean Paulo and Gambit52 disturbed someone’s lair. A giant Hulking Summoning Squirmisher shows up in front of them…
  • 03:05 AM
    I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Ninja Tortoise , you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Pinky. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.


  • 12:18
    As I feared the monster was going to finish me off, it turned out to be Asa Akira in a Flat-chested Irrelephant’s costume. She winked at me and ran away laughing.
  • 07:24
    The trader suddenly congratulated me on being his first anniversary customer and rewarded me with a holy smoke generator. Odd, I could have sworn this was the same shop that Satori65 said gave her the same gift yesterday.


  • 08:46
    Heard someone shouting “Die, Wind Rider !” in the distance. I rushed to the rescue, but it turned out to just be a Fractal Elf brutally smashing a scarecrow.


  • 04:43
    Waved my “Blue Feather” badge in the surgeon’s face, showing off my guild status, and got patched up for free.
  • 01:46 AM
    Wind Rider asked me if I could finish her quest to find out if the sky is falling for her. I’d do anything to help a frie… Hey! She hasn’t even started!
  • 08:41
    Showed the doctor my “Blue Feather” membership card and got a handful of pills for just 71 gold coins.


  • 01:37 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: HavokTheMighty was defeated. Jean Paulo added 2996 gold coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo now has a pack of chewing bark, a cone of silence, a medal of dishonor, a third-time charm, a one-way mirror and a lock of HavokTheMighty’s hair at his disposal.
  • 12:48
    I was trying to spread the word at Beerburgh main square, informing the people about my guild, when suddenly thunder boomed and amplified my voice a hundredfold. People here are going to remember the “Blue Feather” guild for a long time.


  • 12:51
    A learned priest suddenly realized that the sacred inscription on the ancient monolith in the town square was actually an anagram of “Blue Feather”! I made sure to spread the amazing news in all the local taverns.
  • 06:28 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: The Mad Clown was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.


  • 10:41
    Hi, sir, this is Cyina. I’m writing in Jean Paulo’s diary to let you know that I don’t believe in you.
  • 09:12
    Notes from the battlefield: The Drowned Captain was triumphantly defeated! I’ve gained more experience and looted some gold, but it’s time to return to my heroic deeds.
  • 08:58
    Saw M U G E N lying in the field, quivering, shaking and looking close to death. I knew exactly what to do! One beer later, and my friend was up and good to go.
  • 08:21
    Donated sunglasses to the residents of Los Demonos in an attempt to solve the recent eyestrain epidemic caused by a spate of luminous haloes. My guild will gain influence here.


  • 07:43
    Notes from the sparring fight: Ukia ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.
  • 04:41 AM
    Notes from the battlefield: DaPawah is defeated. Jean Paulo added 1039 coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo put a zombie survival kit, a bottle of e-ink, a one-leaf clover and a lock of DaPawah’s hair into his bag.


  • 10:26
    Notes from the sparring fight: Sir Dino Tot ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.
  • 08:41 PM
    Met Girlguide22 in the shop looking for a purchase. She gave me some tips on how to dress. Apparently I look much better with this new grandma’s handmade sweater!
  • 08:14
    Saw Gruyere1 running from a Monster in Training while I was fleeing from the Maître Demon. We joined forces and bravely fled together.


  • 11:14
    Notes from the sparring fight: Jean Paulo ends the imaginary fight as the winner. BlueStapler thanks his partner for the mental training.
  • 05:00
    Notes from the sparring fight: Jean Paulo ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Squiff thanks her partner for the mental training.


  • 02:15
    Notes from the sparring fight: Bulletforyourblood ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.
  • 01:30
    Notes from the sparring fight: Jean Paulo ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Satori65 thanks her partner for the mental training.
  • 05:38
    Notes from the sparring fight: Jean Paulo ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Adelia thanks her partner for the mental training.


  • 11:37
    Notes from the sparring fight: Georgejor ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.
  • 08:43
    Notes from the sparring fight: M U G E N ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.


  • 08:54
    Jumped out to ambush a passing Distilled Spirit, but it turned out to be Cyina wearing some outlandish armor instead! We had a good laugh about it, and I managed not to tell her how silly she looked.
  • 06:36
    Notes from the sparring fight: Gruyere1 ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Jean Paulo thanks his partner for the mental training.


  • 06:24
    Notes from the arena: Somedumguy is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 320 coins.


  • 10:12
    Notes from the arena: Stuffin is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1094 coins and a golden brick.
  • 06:07
    Notes from the arena: Vinyl Brony is unconscious. Jean Paulo successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2657 coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 172 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.


  • 12:34
    Notes from the arena: Stoner that cares is on her knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1169 gold coins and a golden brick.
  • 02:02
    Notes from the arena: Whoopwhoop is on his knees. Jean Paulo salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1002 coins and a golden brick.


  • 06:55
    Notes from the battlefield: Castiel Light was defeated. Jean Paulo added 124 gold coins to his treasury. Jean Paulo put a shrunken head, an abominable snowcone, an antimatter of fact, Blackbeard’s razor, a 100-lb feather, a lock of Castiel Light’s hair and a golden brick into his bag.