God’s Name: Jack Almighty God
Heroes Name: Jake the Epic Dog
Time Zone: New Zealand
The world is in chaos. There is no one to stop it.
It all started when the almighty hero Jake the Epic Dog was born. His job, to protect Godville from monsters.
Jake normally spends his time in the bar, although occasionally, at very rare times, you may see him hiding from monsters. So far, his job at protecting Godville isn’t going too well, and he would’ve died so many times if it wasn’t for his friends, who all some how randomly appear at the right spot with perfect timing.
Jake the Epic dog is a righteous hero, who likes drinking beer, stabbing monsters, drinking beer, shiny stuff and artifacts and of course, how could I forget, drinking beer.
So if you ever see him on the streets, say hi and save his life. He will happily not return the favour.