


level 89

All Cats Are Beautiful

Age 6 years 8 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 253 thousand
Death Count 86
Wins / Losses 11 / 11
Temple Completed at 01/16/2020
Ark Completed at 10/16/2021 (166.1%)
Twos of Every Kind 337m, 342f (33.7%)
Savings 7M, 870k (26.2%)
Pet Battlesheep Snuffles


Weapon unidentified fighting object +98
Shield chariot wheel hubcap +99
Head solar ice cap +98
Body antibodies +98
Arms sacrificial limb +99
Legs animated shorts +98
Talisman smell of success +98


  • mosquito roar level 73
  • effect of the groundhog level 72
  • disarming smile level 69
  • cash whistle level 59
  • lossy compression level 59
  • deafening snore level 58
  • instant hairloss level 58
  • swear-o-matic level 57
  • asynchronous swimming level 53
  • rays of love level 47




  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Savior, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The early paragraphs are just exposition. Ignore at will.
The heavens are a crowded place these days. Thousands of deities, each with their own agenda, and… well, is it any wonder that the power of most individual godlings is limited to minor influence over the life of one individual? In short, everything is a total cockup.
Unfortunately, such gods must work with what they can. Beggars can’t be choosers, and all that. To make matters worse, divine messages are prone to misinterpretation.
When one’s method of exerting influence starts with a random human, it is, of course, a bit of a lottery. Unfortunately, the lottery is rigged to heavily favour drunken bums with very little going on inside their skulls. Perhaps a lack of intelligence in the hero makes more room to receive divine influence? But I digress.
One worshipper grants a deity very little power, but such a being can go forth into the world, spread the influence of their patron deity, and ultimately may build a golden temple to honour them, thereby improving their standing. It’s better than twiddling one’s divine thumbs, anyway.
Tl;dr: Musings of a frustrated god.

It isn’t all bad, one supposes. When Zetalya first awoke in the temple, she actually seemed eager to get to work. Ah, how one misses those days…
Of course, it didn’t take long for the complaints to start. “Do you even lift, Great One?” “When I was little, I was told anyone could be a god. Seeing your work, I’m beginning to think they were right.” “Stop bothering me, Almighty!” To name but a few. Worse yet, the retorts and stubborn refusals when one tries to help in one of the few ways one can.
Still, there are a few occasions when she remembers one is trying to help. Admittedly, most of those are directly after one uses a bit of divine encouragement to drag her arse out of trouble, but still. One takes what one can get. From time to time, one considers applying punishment, but so long as she keeps heading in the right general direction… one wouldn’t like to be hated by one’s only worshipper, after all.

Well. Unfortunately, one had an extended absence, due to neglecting to reinstall the app for some time. That said, one’s back now…

Since one’s return, Zetalya has managed to make some new friends! The most notable of these is her new pet, Sooba the significant otter. When one says pet, it is a relative term… who really holds the leash in this relationship is not entirely obvious.
It took a while to make amends for ones extended absence, but with the return of divine guidance Zetalya is progressing well.

Despite multiple orders to return to town and deal with it, Zetalya failed to get Sooba to the vet in time to prevent permanent injury. One is absolutely furious.

At long last, the temple is completed. Now one has some more reliable – but also more expensive – options for influence. With that finished, Zetalya has begun to gather gopher wood logs that will someday produce a mighty ark.
Also, while she still drinks much of her wealth away in the bar, the completion of the temple has inspired her to take some fiscal responsibility and open a bank account. Wonders never cease.

With the collection of 1000 logs, the ark is complete. Sooba now has a place to stay, and Zetalya can look for a companion without permanent injuries. Also, sailing the seas in search of endangered species can begin.