_10/8/13 Sinfully Seductive – 25th-level adventurer, member of the “Guild Name” guild, with the motto “Bibbidi Bobbidi Booyah ”, stands at the 70th position in the pantheon of gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Goddess Of Sin. We’ve had many reports that a Desperadon’t has been afraid to make eye contact with her since their last encounter.
06:26: Reached level 35. Now I am officially allowed to do the things I shouldn’t have been doing. Heck yeah!
06:39: P L E A S U R E told me that my mind wanders too much. Told him that it just likes taking the scenic route. 4:20:Made a big sign to hold up at P L E A S U R E’s arena fight, but I misspelled his name. Maybe if I hold it upside down he won’t notice?