Greta the Golden 468
level 112
After this we nap!
Age | 5 years |
Personality | neutral |
Guild |
Cows with Guns
Monsters Killed | about 382 thousand |
Death Count | 52 |
Wins / Losses | 95 / 21 |
Temple Completed at | 08/13/2020 |
Ark Completed at | 10/19/2021 (280.4%) |
Pairs Gathered at | 06/26/2023 |
Words in Book | 59.5% | Savings | 19M, 822k (66.1%) |
Pet | Ballpoint penguin Blaze 55th level |
Boss | Hyperbully with 250% of power |
Weapon | stratospear | +125 |
Shield | middle aegis | +124 |
Head | wig of insufferable pomposity | +126 |
Body | welding dress | +122 |
Arms | hyper cufflinks | +125 |
Legs | strapless sandals | +125 |
Talisman | shadow puppet | +126 |
- exhaust of the dragon level 106
- eye scream level 105
- strong brow level 103
- dragon pout level 100
- sober view level 99
- full throttle level 99
- contagious yawning level 92
- lucky hoof level 91
- sunstroke level 90
- rickrolling level 87
- ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero ✓
- ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones ✓
- ⓶ Have bosses' horn and hoof in inventory simultaneously ✓
- ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely ✓
- ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row ✓
- ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day ✓
- ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses ✓
- ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold ✓
- ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator ✓
- ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity ✓
Gratitude | 218 |
Might | 3677 |
Templehood | 34774 |
Gladiatorship | 1660 |
Mastery | 2656 |
Taming | 256 |
Survival | 161 |
Savings | 2325 |
Arkeology | 2957 |
Catch | 2744 |
Wordcraft | 2290 |
Duelers | 343 |
Unity | 72 |
Duelery | 53 |
Adventure | 57 |
- Honored Animalist
- Honored Careerist
- Honored Favorite
- Builder, 1st rank
- Dueler, 1st rank
- Freelancer, 1st rank
- Hunter, 1st rank
- Raider, 1st rank
- Savior, 1st rank
- Shipwright, 1st rank
- Champion, 2nd rank
- Coach, 2nd rank
- Fiend, 2nd rank
- Invincible, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Miner, 2nd rank
- Moneybag, 2nd rank
- Saint, 2nd rank
- Scientist, 2nd rank
- Scribbler, 2nd rank
- Seadog, 2nd rank
- Hotshot, 3rd rank
- Renegade, 3rd rank