So, one day I was looking in the android market for something to play on my phone. So here we are. Wasn’t that interesting?
Harry Krishna 13
level 52
Dave's not here
Age | 12 years 11 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 66 thousand |
Death Count | 68 |
Wins / Losses | 27 / 32 |
Bricks for Temple | 82.1% |
Pet | Dust bunny Pinky |
Weapon | rock-immune scissors | +60 |
Shield | reality distortion shield | +61 |
Head | wind turban | +60 |
Body | alpha mail | +57 |
Arms | two turtle gloves | +55 |
Legs | boots of righteous indignation | +60 |
Talisman | ring of fire | +58 |
- powerful sneeze level 25
- poisoned kiss level 22
- navel clamp level 21
- stifling embrace level 19
- pathological honesty level 17
- brain dilution level 17
- rays of love level 16
- fake smile level 15
- battle chess level 14
- cash whistle level 14
Hero has yet to take places in pantheons. |
- Renegade, 1st rank
- Builder, 2nd rank
- Favorite, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Animalist, 3rd rank
- Careerist, 3rd rank
- Champion, 3rd rank
- Hunter, 3rd rank