

Chrithp 35

level 71

丯"T in"丯

Age 8 years 10 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 153 thousand
Death Count 86
Wins / Losses 133 / 86
Temple Completed at 09/01/2016
Ark Completed at 01/27/2018 (117.4%)
Twos of Every Kind 72m, 63f (6.3%)
Savings 5M, 816k (19.4%)
Pet Gummy wyrm Dino 11th level


Weapon wunderwaffle +83
Shield plausible deniability +80
Head demolition derby +81
Body bullyproof vest +81
Arms love shackles +81
Legs kilt of mooning +80
Talisman sorcerer's scone +81


  • exhaust of the dragon level 56
  • strike of the rabbit level 53
  • rail-bending level 50
  • swoop of the smith level 49
  • steel finger level 48
  • falcon punch level 48
  • intimate tickling level 48
  • iron vortex level 40
  • scissorhands level 39
  • bloody itch level 38




  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Raider, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Invincible, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Savior, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


Dungeon tours available.
No cost unless treasure is found.
*Phoenix Tours cannot be held responsible for any injuries/death that occurs during tour.

Nearly There

A new hero is born.
Grab my boots and off i run,
Killing monsters, as I’ve sworn.
Collecting bricks, I’m on my way,
Questing always, no rest for me.
The cycle repeats, on and on.
The bricks stack high, up in the air,
A temple my lord, we’re nearly there.

Killing monsters as I knew,
Grab my boots and off I run.
Month after month, brick by brick.
Temple complete, have I finally won?
Bigger, better, stronger,
No one can stop me, can’t rest yet,
I’ve a new job to do.

Day after day, death after death,
Grab my boots and off I go.
I will quest until my last breath,
Dungeon after dungeon, log after log.
The cycle repeats, every day.
Logs stacked high, up in the air,
An ark my lord, we’re nearly there.

Month after month, I’m finally done,
Grab my boots and off I go.
Ark complete, have I finally won?
Quicker, faster, older.
Killing monsters as I knew,
I’ve got a new job to do.

Year after year, deaths are so many.
Temple and ark, both complete,
Coins Almighty, do you have any?
Old age can come so fast.
The beautiful youth can never last.
Coin after coin, stacked as they stare
Retirement my lord, we’re nearly there.

Year after year, I’m finally done,
My days of questing are far over.
My boots and equipment are long gone,
What comes now you ask? We wait.
Almighty can you open the heaven gate?
All is over, all is done, all is lost.
My quest is over, but at what cost?
What will I say in my next prayer?!
Because death Almighty, I’m nearly there…