Once there was a lonely goddess named Emjero Fortin. She wandered far and wide in search of something she didn’t even know. In her travels, she came upon a quaint little village called Herolympus. Here the goddess saw little people who are happy and content with their lives. The goddess decided to stay and look after these people. She thought she had found her home.
Until one fateful day when a hero came marching into the village, slaying monsters and trading artifacts. Looking after this hero in his conquests was another goddess name Regina. Emjero observed the duo and noticed that the goddess delighted in her hero. So she came over and talked to Regina.
They became fast friends, being the only two goddesses in the immediate surroundings. Emjero told Regina of her dilemma. About her struggle to find contentment and the never-ending abyss in her heart called loneliness. Regina was filled with sympathy and sadness for Emjero. She told her of a place where she could find her own hero. A town called Herowin.
Emjero set out to find herself a companion. Even from a distance, she could see a lot of gods and heroes filling the streets of Herowin. With excitement, she started her search for her very own hero. She looked and looked and looked, only to find that all heroes are already with a god or goddess. Defeated, she resigned herself back to Herolympus.
Upon arriving, Emjero was greeted with a very excited Regina. Apparently, her hero left and she stayed behind for news of Emjero’s success. With a broken heart, Emjero told Regina what happened.
Regina listened intently. Then she started laughing. Emjero was confused and thought her friend was mocking her. Regina was quick to explain though. She told Emjero anyone can become a hero. It’s up to Emjero who she will chose. The blind guy on the side of the street, the baby still sucking milk from her mother’s breast or that monster that Lance slayed. Emjero will have to chose one whom she will bless with her favor and turn that person into a hero.
With this, Emjero understood what she had to do. She thanked her friend and set off as soon as she could in search of one who is worthy to become a hero. She searched throughout Godville for one such person, yet found no one. Still she didn’t give up. Other gods saw her and mocked her for being alone and heroless. But still she wouldn’t give up.
Years passed, Emjero still had no one. Her faith and heart were starting to fail her when she came upon a little girl who was being terrorized by a Bipolar Bear. Emjero knew she shouldn’t intervene, but there were no other gods in the vicinity and the closest town, Lostway, was still a few milestones away. While deciding what to do, the monster was slowly closing in on the little girl.
Instead of crying, the little girl took a rock from the ground and threw it at the monster. The little girl’s aim was so off, it completely missed the big Bipolar Bear and hit the Atomic Kitten behind it instead. The Atomic Kitten was so startled that it detonated right there and then. As if going by reflex, Emjero wrapped a protective light around the little girl, so she wouldn’t be caught in the explosion. In that moment, Emjero knew that she had found her hero.
“Who are you?”, the little girl asked.
“I am a goddess. My name is Emjero Fortin. What is your name little girl?”
“Me? I’m Lana.”
“Very well, Lana”, Emjero said. “I have decided to give you my favor and make you my hero.”
Emjero led Lana into Godville and there registered her as a hero named ‘Lana Reginald’, guided by her goddess, Emjero Fortin.
And so the adventures of Lana Reginald began. But that’s another story…