

Fennel  1 

level 23

For Godville!

Age 14 years 1 month
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 9 thousand
Death Count 7
Wins / Losses 7 / 8
Bricks for Temple 8.1%
Pet Rocky raccoon Boo 6th level


Weapon cowboy's lasso +22
Shield durable shield +19
Head subnet mask +22
Body alien spacesuit +20
Arms Fallen Angel's battle bracers +17
Legs boots of outrageous toughness +21
Talisman basilisk jaw +21


  • Fanned fingers level 10
  • Tin throat level 6
  • Strong brow level 4




  • Champion, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

A massive tablet suddenly fell from the sky. Inscribed upon it were the words: ‘omg you just spent over half your money on drink!!? .’

Sorry, Almighty. I’m admiring my places in pantheons at the moment and I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.

I ate a fortune cookie and the note inside said: ‘paddles you with an almighty paddle.’