

Xavidad 434

level 99

Cogito Ergo Ni! ♘ ☽

Age 9 years 5 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 354 thousand
Death Count 155
Wins / Losses 29 / 22
Temple Completed at 08/10/2016
Ark Completed at 02/06/2018 (246.8%)
Pairs Gathered at 01/31/2020
Savings 12M, 98k (40.3%)
Pet Satan claus Woody 5th level


Weapon vortex cannon +113
Shield lucky blanket +111
Head bucket of sensory deprivation +110
Body spine tingler +111
Arms touchy feelers +108
Legs moon walkers +112
Talisman sphere of destiny +110


  • navel clamp level 104
  • heel grip level 84
  • mating contact level 80
  • mosquito roar level 77
  • sunstroke level 76
  • beer belly level 75
  • toe-bite level 74
  • self-propelled feet level 73
  • golden vein level 72
  • lion belch level 72




  • Honored Favorite
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


3/07 Evil Alignment Operation
2:41am, 2153 – righteous
+6 charges – +531 – kind
+ 6 charges – + – gentle
+ 10 charges – + – neutral
+ 11 charges – + – spiteful
2:59am, 939 – spiteful
Total charges: 33 from righteous to spiteful!

PAUL BUNION Hairplug4men, THANK YOU FOR THE CHARGES! And sorry for not winning with them 😔. You are fabulous!
Paul Bunion

duel search
#1 Arena Guide


Xavidad, KNight of the Shrubberies 🥦
Xavidad, Moonie of the Harvests 🌛

(is that broccoli?)

Q2058: HM #333, lvl 88
Q2172: HM #343, lvl 90


I am he who is not. He who is not am I. I think, yet I do not. I do not think, yet I am. I am not what I think, yet I think I am not. He who does not think, is not what I was. He who thinks, is become what I am. I am here, as are you.

The highest form of existence is non-existence. For we were given unto this world, the world not unto us.


END OF 2019

12/23/2019 – confessed to my love of eating sand-tasting mooncake egg yolks off of cat girls to the moonies today. Reception was brilliant. Tried to annoy Ngma by calling her the only guy in HM, failed disastrously. She’s far too kind to me. How repulsive! 😢

12/24/19 – hit 50k gold today! 50874 💰 to be precise. I’m rich! Currently lvl 92!

12/24/2019 – shared selfies with the moonies. 🎅🌙
“Yesterday you said tomorrow.”
“Just do it” – The Ngma ✔️™️
“Merry Crispmas” – Twinrova
“I would say 10 🔥🔥🔥” – Cassia the Rainbow

12/24/19 – “Feliz Xavidad”Me3713! Fantastic!
(Me3, an amazing God, ridiculously diligent in his record keeping.)

First Sail on Christmas Day!
12:23 AM Divine forces took the outlandish thing-in-itself and disassembled it without my permission. There was a second splitter, a victory sweetener, a license to drill, a token of friendship, a portable wormhole, an unsupported feature, a psionic tonic, a pre-Godville relic, a perpetual entropy generator, a data griddle, a philosopher’s stone, a future antique, a Godville Admin bobblehead, a chastity belt spanner and 19919 gold coins inside.

Second Sail of Christmas!
09:31 AM Divine forces took the outlandish hexbox and disassembled it without my permission. There was a dragonbreath mint, a self-updating diary, a heavy-metal detector, a tinsel pack, a problem solvent, a crackerjack prize, a multiversal remote, a final countdown clock, a “Bricks Happen” bumper sticker, a triple cross, a subplot thickener, an unlimited breadstick, a free fall accelerator, a log for the ark and 19415 coins inside.
09:31 AM Divine forces took the outlandish thing-in-itself and disassembled it without my permission. I should have known that there would be a multiversal remote, a hot seat, a street credit card, a chaos engine, a long idea shortener, a tinsel pack, a sarcasm intensifier, an eerie silence generator, a pre-paid indulgence card, a divine spark, a strategy guide of life, rhubarbed wire, an armor cooling system, a creature comforter, a log for the ark and 10451 gold coins inside.

50991 gold on Christmas day!

Quest: Find out what happens when unbridled optimism meets an uncaring universe (3%)

12/25/19 – NGMA IS AN ARTIST. A REALLY GOOD ONE. COMPLETELY BAMBOOZLED (check out her wiki – it’s legit!). If you see this, Ngma, keep it up! Practice Practice Practice! 加油!

Haggling 101: Damages?! YOU PAY!
08:45 AM After seeing my exotic seashell, the trader complained about a crack, a dent, and lots of scratches. Made him pay extra for damages and got a total of 10263 coins.

12/27/19 – talked to Dogess, Enslaved Goddess of Hairplug4men. She was very pleasant, as expected. Sad that she isn’t a moonie… Why? Maybe she has a slave fetish – who am I to judge?
Got the Slave to compliment her Beloved Hairplug. “You’re pretty funny, aren’t you?” “☺️”. Hilarious!

12/27/19 – New Gold PR! 56598! 💰
Another new PR, same day! 68472!
Another one! 70k!
New gold PR! 121518! 💰💰💰
Thanks to EmptySora for the dungeon & HP4M for the motivation!
Sailing and Dungeon!

12/29/19 – First time in top 100 of senior duelers pantheon! Record: 27/19. 2/0 pantheon record, thanks to legendary Hp4m and an AFK.

1/5/20- 37th in senior duelers! 2/0, start of the new season, but still cool!


"kampai!" and "Konichiwa desu san"!!

Milestone 678! Milestone 770! 777! 831! 851! (2235)


Tentative! List of Names

Happy Piglets 4 Monsters
Horny Papa 4 Mama
Hard Pooping 4 Me
Health Points 4 Me
“hard peen 4 mom” – courtesy of HP4M

Not Gonna Make Apples…
Never Giving Me Anything?
Ngma Gma Ma A?
Naughty Grandma Mating App :0

Make Everything 3 7 1 3
More Elephants 3713
this is rather difficult.

Why ominious old dads? Yes, please eat candy, kangaroo? Everyone run!
Where only our dads yell, “panda express cookies know everything, right?”
the heck is this long ass name???


1. 1/3 of duelers are apparently afk.
2. Okay. Seeing that you have a temple, as long as you have less than 100 charges, you can get 2-3 charges every day from the temple. Those are enough to sail, assuming you know how to do them charge efficiently.
3. No amount of charges will be enough if you want to win every fight.
4. Basically, (very rough numbers) about a third of the fights in seniors can be won without having to use a single charge. Because they would be afk.
Among those who do fight, the rest two-thirds, a small fraction would give up if they see that you are going to use many charges if need be. The rest will be using a ton of charges.
5. So, what I do is, either possum (when I have more than 3 charges) and kill them when (and if) I get the chance. Or just send to zpg arena.
duels can be used to gather charges and to gather wins. If one were doing it to gather charges, one would just go for the one-third who are afk (very low duelling score/pantheon ranking)
6. How to know if they’ll spend charges: There (their*) gladiator rank and w/l ratio @Divinicus Mortalus,
7. If you are also aiming for wins, then probably give up on the charge aspect. Go for winning with one charge used. So that, net charge used is zero. You would have 100% gp to play around with.
8. I go with action+Voice command for three turns.
9. Most think that would mean you are going to use a ton of charges. If you are lucky with some hit voice commands and you have been punishing all three times, you just win. If not, you can space the rest 10% over a few steps.
10. Winning with 0 charges used. Since you gain 1 charge. Losing with 1 charge used.
11. Also, do the ideabox voting, especially if you have less than 3 charges saved up
12. This is the case if you have more than 3 charges. If you have 3 or less, just use them all up. Getting the first 3 charges is really easy
13. This is assuming you want to duel as regularly as possible. If you want to win as much as possible, you should save up to 100 charges and keep using them without any constraints to win
14. Set yourself a hard limit in fights. Even top gladiators can be beat with few charges spent. just don’t fall into the trap of thinking you almost have them, and then a hundred charges later losingHP4M

Many thanks to WOODY PECKER, Oversee Year and a hairplug.”:

Arena Duels and Lessons Learned
12/28/19 – First arena duel in over two years. Very glad to have fought the one I admire. Duel #45 (26/19).

09:59 AM Heybaybay was removed from my potential threats list. He will remember not to stand in my way again.
09:59 AM Notes from the arena: Heybaybay is unconscious. Xavidad successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 58439 coins.

Lessons Learned:
1. Heal vcs work on any turn.
2. Turns do NOT change when neither do anything (e.g. massacre step).
3. In a 2 influence fight, your opponent can have 4 total actions and lock you.
4. The block voice command is the only one that is turn specific.
5. Send VCs on every step. So you can get through the unheard ones and get to the next set of 10.
6. It is NOT always advantageous to lock someone.
(Thank you to Oversee Year, Dombinator, and HP4M!)

More Lessons Learned:
1. All about balancing of defense-offense. You want to maximize damage given, limit damage received.


2. Hit, Block, Heal, Pray.
A block (maybe heal) is very good if opponent hits and punishes. Not so much if opponent only punishes or hit fails. (Thanks, Woody!)
The value of your actions and voices is reflective of your opponent’s actions!
3. The person listed first in a 2x speed fight is always on offense. They can use Heal. You can use Defend.
4. There is no “general rule” for dueling scenarios.
5. Be unpredictable, as much as possible. Older duelers are generally less entropic.
6. You can combine hit, block, heal, pray, with encourage or punish. Which combination is highly dependent on your current situation.
7. If opponent due for backfire and is low hp, and you can take a backfire, then attack.
8. Punished generally end the fight. Encourages prolong.
9. Understand the constant dynamic between offense and defense. Manage your rhythm.

Arena 1.0 advice (HP4M)
Basic arena help
1 (Arena: Know your opp)
2 (Arena: enc vs punish)
3 (arena basics)
4 (Jimbob’s arena 101)
5 (Shan’s version of Afkgod’s advice).

08:22 PM Great One, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?


secretly admiring 
H, O, D, N, W, C, and M of HM

secretly crushing on a member of HM definitely not Ngma or Hp4m