


level 62

everything is possible

Age 9 years
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 108 thousand
Death Count 76
Wins / Losses 11 / 13
Temple Completed at 08/14/2018
Wood for Ark 38.6%
Savings 1M, 708k (5.7%)
Pet Double dragon Koda 24th level


Weapon sling of outrageous fortune +70
Shield ultimate defense mechanism +72
Head helm of overwhelm +75
Body daisy chainmail +71
Arms awkward paws +72
Legs knickerbockers of glory +71
Talisman server patch +70


  • self-propelled feet level 33
  • clinical strike level 32
  • strike of the rabbit level 32
  • mass effect level 32
  • cobweb gulp level 30
  • opacity control level 29
  • bloody itch level 28
  • swoop of the smith level 26
  • dove of peace level 25
  • drunken rampage level 24




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The one that give me power to change my destiny

DAY 1810 e.g. April 24, 2015

I just slave citizens in this world, with no purpose and no future, what i do was just take care farm in my near house.
When i come to 9 old year, I was forced to take job as farmer, it was duties my family, becouze my family’s was a slave family from generation to generation to serve lord in this big farmland.
for me who haven’t dream and no purpose pf life, just perfect way to spend my entire days.
every morning i go to farmland, wait my harvest grow bit by bit everyday without complaining, doing monotonous job that make people who saw it think it was useless job ever has.
But for me it was wonderful job i ever had, even it just being pays with 3 meals a day.

But the hardships in my life was not the farming, it was after I done my farming, in eyes of people who have status in villages, i just slave to serving their need, they can do whatever they want to me, command me like I am an animal, being kicked like meatballs, punching me like sandbags, harassing me and make me do stupid thing for their entertain, that’s was sad thing in my life, but i can’t do anything I am just hopeless slave after all.

That way i never complaining bout this farming job, because it was perfect place for run from noble in village and place for me to rest my mind, i must give my thanks to wind that blows every corner in this farm, because I feel like wind in this farmland gives me a calm mind and sometimes it feels like wanting to play with me.

From all of my misery, I am sometimes yearn something, something that makes my life bright, ssomething that could make me do all I want without restrictions, something that’s make mt heart skip beat, but unfortunately i am just slave that doesn’t know what i must to do.

until that certain day…
at day 1810 e.g., I am talk with certain someone from nowhere that i doesn’t know.

“Don’t thou think thou live was monotone doing all of this” that guy asked him

“I think so, but this what i could do, it’s given”

Then that guy sit beside me, then that guy asked again

" Don’t thou think this place to small for thou live?"

at that moment he confused to that guy questions.
to him this village with farming as primary income was the largest farm industry that people on village boasting about and it still has a lot open space to be plowed, and that was big place, maybe to big for him, even to reach the farthest harvest need 2 hours walking.
in confusion how to reply that, slowly he open his mouth

“I… I think this place was so big that i can spend my entire day in farm”

“that not what I mean, i know what thou innermost thoughts thinking, thou never can’t hide it from me”

he gulped his salvia, knowing that guy can peek his heart

- just who on earth this guy

While self pondering, he make a stone face that look so dumb if he looked it by he self.

then that guy continues his word “how bout take journey to see what lies beyond forest that surrounded this village, I think it more suitable for thou”

“but, but i can’t abounded this task, and higher up people from village will not let me go either, they will kill me for left this job”

That guy sudenly Lough

“Thou weird one, they have this big farm, and have many farmers in over place, just lost one of theirs farmers will not affected them, thou even has road to go out to this place, and there was no guard that watch you entire day right”
“For them it just like losing one of theirs toys anyway”

That guy was right, but he just can’t do it, maybe because he was slave that birth from generation t generation, make him think that he will not survive if go outside, it can’t be helped, to him this job was the right thing to do to survive and live, even he has slightly interest to go out from this place, he still doesn’t know what he must do when he escaped from this village, he just a farmer, and slaves at that, what a farmer can do in that outside world.

With no word come out from his mouth he just sit silent hearing what that guy saying,
Suddenly that guy stands and saying

“Maybe its time for me to leave, and think bout it carefully, what you do onwards after this will change thou futures”

then that guy leave him like that, after some distance he hear fain word open from that guy mouth

“see you later, bozzganza”

how can that guy know him, he even don’t make proper greeting with that guy

To be continued

N.B. SORRY for my bad English language