

Bluewind 664

level 140
trader level 16

Cat says m[R]rk 🎲 🐾丯

Age 9 years 5 months
Personality righteous
Guild Blue Feather
Monsters Killed about 722 thousand
Death Count 98
Wins / Losses 611 / 563
Temple Completed at 05/11/2016
Ark Completed at 08/11/2017 (473.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 08/24/2019
Book Written at 04/22/2022
Souls Gathered 81.22%
Shop “Little blue shop”
Pet Ballpoint penguin Parker 99th level
Boss Flashmobster with 192% of power


Weapon have-a-blaster +151
Shield tour de forcefield +153
Head existential dreadlocks +154
Body knightgown +154
Arms blood pressure cuffs +154
Legs pre-socked sandals +154
Talisman ire emblem +154


  • street magic level 148
  • full throttle level 146
  • drunken rampage level 143
  • cry of horror level 141
  • intimate tickling level 140
  • elbow bite level 137
  • self-propelled feet level 135
  • rays of love level 133
  • chakra bending level 122
  • brownian motion level 111


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Miner
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Raider, 1st rank
  • Saint, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Seadog, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

To my fellow dungeon co-teamers

Usually I take a wheel and drive to the treasury. Bosses are taken or not depending on circumstances. I prefer to spare charges and rarely wish to take final boss with a weak party. Exception could be pet resurrection. Communication is appreciated.


Some hints for bricks accumulating without buying charges.

1. No epics. Cancel them. In 3 days of epic quest it’s possible to finish 5-6 ordinary quests and of you are lucky so many bricks.

2. Have alarm on phone when gold is 3000 and try to react.

3. Melt gold with “bad” button. If after 2 attempts, it doesn’t work, push “good” button twice. Repeat if necessary.

4. Go to zpg arena, it is 50% chance to get a brick for 50% prana.


Historical events

21.09.2015 Birthday. 108hp. Oh, my God! Sorry, my Goddess.

04.02.2016 Oh, no. Just accumulated needed sum for pet resurrection (17th level.penguin), finished the quest on red health and she levelled up (35th level). It is a disaster. Full health now. How she would heal the pet now? Couldn’t she wait one hour?
P.S. It ended well.

09:51 em Scraped together 7131 coins and managed to persuade the priests to heal my pet. Oh, Olwyn, I’m glad to see you in great shape again!

31.03.2016. 75% temple is done. The last stage.

07.04.2016. The guild has reached 1st place in unity.

26 apr 2016. The last 100 bricks countdown begins.

4 maj 2016. 96% of the temple. Closer to the finish it is easier to collect the bricks.
With zpg arena it is piece of cake without any donations. And even got 190 place in duel rating. Never was so high before, doubt will ever be again.

15:25 Suddenly felt like I had to find a use for the mystery box. Shook it as hard as I could and out came two shiny new golden bricks!

This was really an unique surprise, never ever have seen such one before.

11 maj 2016
7 months 22 days 1000 bricks

Tha last one was fished out and no mention about it in the third eye. Secret mission, no doubt.

10:02 Without the slime and silt, this brick I fished out of the water could easily be golden.

2016.05.11. 11:23 Dearest diary, today was the day! I carefully laid the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all windows to let your glorious light shine in. I can’t believe it, your temple is finally finished, my Lady! I feel delirious with happiness.

Number 16999th temple in the game, funny number.
upd 220801 today it is already 16900.

June 2016 Moved from Ankh-Morpork City Watch to Blue Feather guild. Not sure even why. Blue goes to blue, apparently.

The first dungeon half an hour after the temple was finished.

12:18 Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Bluewind gets 8748 coins, a log for the ark, some developmental tissues, an “Act of God” insurance policy, a Godville Admin bobblehead and a love triangulator.

60th level reached on Christmas 2016.

11 aug 2017 ark is built. 1 year 10 months, number 2920th ark in the game. Quite a progress in comparison with the temple.

15 dec 2017 First time ever got mentioned in the Godville newspaper

Bluewind – 74th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Just keep going on丯 🎲 💰”, stands at the 145th position in the pantheon of taming under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Blue Cat. Her dream is to master the “swoop of the smith” skill and then offer lessons in exchange for gold bricks.

Well, very appropriate ambition I would say.

29 April 2018 The pet is honored 2nd time in the newspaper.

Bluewind – 79th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Just keep [Я]oing on丯🎲🐾”, stands at the 99th position in the pantheon of taming under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Blue Cat. Distinctive features: a reckless disregard for danger, and an incredibly high pain threshold caused by repeated exposure to blunt objects.

20 august 2018
Rarely seen event – level up from the box

14:15 Alright, I’m now level 84! Decided to use my 4 new points on increasing my health.

10 januari 2019
Have read the previous entry and still this one beats it.
Activated continuum transfunctioner levelled up from level 89(0%) to level 90, saving at least a month of efforts. Incredible.

05:24 Felt a burning desire to examine the continuum transfunctioner. Found something unbelievable inside — a scroll with instructions on how to get a premature level up!

Mentioned in newspaper. Duelers? Seriously?

Bluewind — 90th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Cat says m®rk 🎲 🐾丯”, stands at the 45th position in the pantheon of duelers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Blue Cat. Her worst enemy — a Spraying Mantis. Favorite trophy — something that looks like a no-thank-you note. She is also a huge fan of Herolympus’s pubs.

Quest #2000: Bring balance to the force (epic) (3%)

Sent penguin to the ark, he is too valuable and expensive to run around in the fields.
The same day tamed a wyrm, named him Pitonchik. Dungeon ability pet, guess need to walk with him often down there.

1000 pairs are gathered. Lab is opened. Now to collect the boss.

100 level. Took 4 years and 1 day.

2020.03.21 mitt i coronavirus pandemia min lilla honkatt har samlat 15 mln. Har inte även märkt det. Känner sig ledsen.

2022.11.19 after nearly 4 years of vigilant daily visits to BlueCat, she was commemorated in the newspaper. Actually, it is already 4th time in her life. Previous was in 2019 and the first one in 2017. Funny that during all her nearly 9 years in the original Russian Godville she has been never mentioned in a newspaper yet.

Bluewind — 127th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Cat says m®rk 🎲 🐾丯”, stands at the 149th position in the pantheon of Survival under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Blue Cat. She asked us not to feature her in this issue, but we do what we want.

2023.01.20 done with 30 mln, I won in Godville.

2024.09.08 Quest nr 5000. Make them all pay. /no commemts/

Warning texts for bosses in dungeons