

Akira13542 458

level 102

For a relaxing life!

Age 3 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Monsters Killed about 286 thousand
Death Count 111
Wins / Losses 27 / 21
Temple Completed at 12/18/2021
Ark Completed at 02/19/2023 (212.9%)
Pairs Gathered at 12/22/2024
Words in Book 4.4%
Savings 11M, 838k (39.5%)
Pet Piggy banker Tigger 27th level
Boss Adminotaur with 221% of power


Weapon four-leafed cleaver +112
Shield responsibility deflector +112
Head compound bow tie +114
Body traffic jammies +111
Arms fitness trackers +111
Legs bonus footage +111
Talisman godtag +112


  • somersault squatting level 92
  • swear-o-matic level 87
  • peek-a-boo level 86
  • mountain moving level 85
  • inept singing level 82
  • quantum fireball level 78
  • mating contact level 69
  • effect of the groundhog level 61
  • dragon pout level 60
  • self-cloning level 59


  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Have bosses' horn and hoof in inventory simultaneously
  • ⓶ Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Find dungeon treasure after defeating exactly 5 bosses
  • ⓶ Single-handedly light up all lighthouses in a sail
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold

Show all 15




  • Honored Favorite
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Raider, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Dueler, 2nd rank
  • Hotshot, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

In the capital city of Godville, where heroes were forged in fire and battle, there lived a man named Akira. He preferred napping in the shade to basking in glory. He had the strength of a thousand men, the wisdom of a sage, and the willpower of a well-fed housecat.

One fateful day, Quirkytown sent an urgent message: an ancient dragon had awoken and was demanding a tribute from all the towns in the land. Godville needed a champion, and Akira, lounging on his hammock, was their last hope.

With great reluctance, Akira agreed, but only after negotiating an upfront payment for an infinite lifetime supply of beer and a promise that he wouldn’t have to walk too much. He slowly rode his pet piggy banker towards the dragon’s lair, devising a plan that required minimal effort.

Upon arrival, Akira found the dragon half-asleep on a mountain of gold. Instead of drawing his weapon, Akira yawned, sat down, and began snoring. The dragon, confused and somewhat impressed, assumed this was some form of ancient warrior magic and agreed to leave Godville alone for now.

Akira eventually returned to the capital as a hero, though he mostly slept through the celebrations. And thus, the legend of Akira the Idle was born, not for his battles, but for proving that sometimes, the best way to win is to do absolutely nothing at all.