Nekomancer has several alts. This is one of them.
Felicia Tempest 庙20
level 56
I'll blow you away
Age | 11 years 5 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 86 thousand |
Death Count | 87 |
Wins / Losses | 18 / 5 |
Temple Completed at | 11/04/2016 |
Wood for Ark | 13.5% | Savings | 446 thousand (1.5%) |
Pet | Rocky raccoon Pinky |
Weapon | can of WMD-40 | +65 |
Shield | massive ego | +66 |
Head | cover of darkness | +63 |
Body | platonic armor | +67 |
Arms | ultimate arm equipment | +65 |
Legs | nuclear power pants | +66 |
Talisman | passion flute | +65 |
- heel grip level 32
- elbow bite level 28
- spontaneous combustion level 27
- eye scream level 25
- self-propelled feet level 25
- rays of love level 21
- dragon pout level 21
- bad breath level 19
- dove of peace level 19
- epitaph writing level 18
Templehood | 21063 |
- Honored Renegade
- Builder, 1st rank
- Favorite, 1st rank
- Careerist, 2nd rank
- Fiend, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Animalist, 3rd rank
- Champion, 3rd rank
- Hunter, 3rd rank
- Shipwright, 3rd rank