

Sir Veggie

level 23


Age 12 years 7 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 9 thousand
Death Count 17
Wins / Losses 3 / 8
Bricks for Temple 6.7%
Pet Firefox Dumbo 1st level


Weapon cowboy's lariat +22
Shield ultimate shield of darkness +29
Head horns of plenty +26
Body anti-radiation suit +22
Arms Fallen Angel's battle bracers +22
Legs knee-high socks of luck +22
Talisman one-sided coin +25


  • oak cloaking level 11
  • cobweb gulp level 7
  • flying bird level 6


Hero has yet to take places in pantheons.


  • Builder, 3rd rank
  • Favorite, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Day 28 Dear Diary, I just realized I could write down these things called “chronicles,” stories of my adventures penned by myself for all to see. It would seem to be much a daunting task to summarize the past 28 days, so I shan’t. It feels that I have been a hero much longer, but then again it also feels as if I haven’t been a hero very long at all anyway. I keep being overwhelmed by great monsters. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get to level 16, or why this Jedi Lightsaber isn’t as powerful in the real world as it is in the movies. Oh, well, live and learn. The trader I bought it from was a crackpot anyway.