

Littletethis 5

level 121

☥No water, no fun☥

Age 8 years 4 months
Personality neutral
Guild Ankh-Morpork City Watch
Monsters Killed about 630 thousand
Death Count 173
Wins / Losses 205 / 114
Temple Completed at 05/02/2016
Ark Completed at 11/24/2017 (415.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 03/09/2020
Book Written at 07/20/2023
Souls Gathered 23.1%
Savings 24M, 741k (82.5%)
Pet Battle toad Snuffles 21st level
Boss Appetitan with 130% of power


Weapon Thor's jackhammer +135
Shield responsibility deflector +133
Head blasting cap +135
Body traffic jammies +132
Arms fistful of dollars +135
Legs bonus footage +135
Talisman shrunken head of state +135


  • exhaust of the dragon level 124
  • rail-bending level 122
  • cri de coeur level 118
  • mating contact level 118
  • quantum fireball level 112
  • strong brow level 111
  • powerful sneeze level 109
  • sticky fingers level 100
  • sober view level 79
  • tin throat level 73


  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Dueler, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Miner, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

„You are not the all-knowing god you pretend to be, you know nothing of what’s going on out there nowadays, I’m off” Littletethis screams at the shape sitting at the desk next to the small fireplace in the, otherwise dark, room.
A voice, sounding very tired comes from the shape “Littletethis, listen to me, really just listen, just for once, Littletethis?!” BANG, the door closes in the back of the young hero.

“I would not have believed that there is something like hero puberty” he thinks “if I would not see it with my own eyes or rather hear it with my own ears”. The shape moves some more, turning into the god Tom312, one of Godvilles “younger” deities. He stares into the flickering flames and thinks about their arrival in Godville.

They had come a long way, through countless worlds, running, fleeing at the beginning of their journey, when he thought the enemy was closing in.
From a little, almost helpless orphan, found on a sunny, sandy beach on a world now several dimensions and half a dozen universes away, Littletethis had developed into a young, strong bodied and unfortunately, rather stubborn hero, at least when he was around his god and saviour. Put him in the company of a heroine or goddess, Tom312 sighs and his face will win the “best colour contest” against any beetroot and his mouth remains as securely closed as the famous Fort Knux on his god’s birth world.
Their birth world, blue, greenish, full of water…..eventually they had to run, there was no other chance. When the special talents of Littletethis literarily began to surface, THEY had found out about it and the hunt was on, THEY would not rest until they could sink their claws into Littletethis and drag him into their realm. Back there on that beautiful little world, Tom312 did not have the godly power he possesses here and now and he had no means to protect the little boy from THEM, the so called Guards of Life, led by the evil Hassel Ofvida and his cruel beach bunnies.
So on one cold night, they travelled from their home country across the northern sea and found temporary refuge with some of the guardians of the beaches, living on a little island, surrounded by rocks and terrible waves. These brave men and women managed to hide them for some month, loathing the terrible PR stunts, the twisting of the of reality, the countless lies done and told by the Guards of Live as much as he did and they introduced them to the words of one Sir Terry Pratchett, one of the great, if not the greatest, word wizards of their islands. Through this great man’s work, he familiarized himself with the concept of L-Space, discovering that this could be a way out, a way to another place where the guards could not follow.
So, month later…
The storm was howling through the ships sails in the harbour, the wave rose to unbelievable heights before crashing on the beaches and rocks and the moon had other business than lending some light to the little island, when Tom312 and Littletethis entered the library, a few candles in safety cages lit up the shelves, the librarian was waiting for them, they took the oath, never ever to talk about the ways of the L space or their journey and the things they would see. The librarian opened the door in the small shelf in the back of the library and they stepped through. The door closed behind them without a sound.

The flames flicker again and go out.
Tom312 moves, “oh no, fallen asleep again, and I’m on the early shift tomorrow.“ He gets up and moves towards his bed, knocking down his equipment on the way “Oh drat” he thinks, as he collects everything from the floor and puts it back on the chair and table, the metal breast- and backplates, sword, truncheon, gloves and his trusted rope cutter and beloved swift water rescue west and helmet. And of course, the badge, shining copper, with the owl on top and the letters AMCW imprinted. He looks at the badge, gives it a quick rub with the hem of his shirt and places it next to the candle on the bedside table.
“After all, it could be worse and Littletethis will understand, eventually” he thinks as he stretches on the bed in his little room in Ankh Morpork City Watch’s (Godville) watch house and drifts of to sleep again.
His diary is lying on the bedside table, if one would look on the last page with writing on it, one would notice the words “Afterlifeguard” and “Lifeguards Anonymus” being underlined and connected by pencil lines to the letters GoL and H.O. with another word written in capital letters on the line below:


Littletethis storms down the stairs ignoring the startled duty officer in the main hall, puts an “in town” behind the “off duty” sign next to his name on the duty roster and walks out into the street.

Littletethis this, Littletethis that, Littletethis get on with building the temple, Littletethis stop wandering off to other guild’s, he was thoroughly sick of it.
When they left their little world through this strange door on the strange island, he thought of Tom312 more as an older, fatherly friend, there was no talking about becoming his god. And now, on this very strange world that was exactly what happened.
While he was being chased through forest, Bush and swamp by monstrous creatures (ok, lately he started chasing them), his god spend his time hanging out with his god chums from this Ankh-Morpork City Watch, the guild they, or rather Tom312 had joined, as soon as they had arrived in Godville. Ok, the members of the watch were a decent bunch, he got on with the other heros and, he started sweating a little, heroine and even Sgt. Mitsumi (he started sweating a little bit more)did not raise her eyebrows that often at him anymore.
Nevertheless, Littletethis hated being zapped by lightning or hit by meteorites and he was quite certain that Tom312 had something to do with it. And he missed the sea, the waves, water. The few lakes an rivers he had found during his journeys where but a small sad copy of the rivers and oceans on his home world.
According to Tom312 he had to finish the temple first and then go on even more dangerous trips through so-called dungeons to collect wood for an Ark, with sails, before he would be allowed on the water again. Sails, he groaned,no triple keeled glider with a couple of hundreds of horsepower on the stern.
He knew, if they talked about horse power engines here, it was exactly that, a horse with more or mostly less power. Kicking a small pebble into the dust on the side of the road, he continues to wander aimlessly through the streets of the town.

Littletethis walks round a corner, running straight into a person coming the other way. “Oufff” the other person says as he/she falls to the ground. Littletethis looks down on and recognises the telltale heavy black trousers and jacket with the ons shiny reflective stripes, now torn and tattered and covered in gray dust. “Nobby? Is that you, haven’t seen you since years, how did you get here and I see, you joined the fire crew” Let me help you up"
The figure on the floor grabs Littletethis hand and scrambles back on the feet “I don’t believe it, Littletethis, finally, you disappeared together with Tom, we all thought you two drowned at sea, and now I run into you here. Long story, long story, wow. I did join the fire service back”There" after you disappeared, and now I’m here, heard the guys here are recruiting, too. Just on my way to the station to see if they need me. My God Nobby312 is also coming , must hurry now before he gets trigger-happy again, see you soon "

A fine spring morning, shortly after breakfast, almost 5 years later:
Littletethis saw the others hero leaning on the wall that separated the higher parts of town from the harbour, conviniendly overlooking the shipyards. His shoulder insignia showed him to be a captain of the AMCW a little junior to himself. He walked over and spoke in his native tongue for a moment “Moin”. “Moin” answered the younger one. “Und?” Littletethis inquired after a minute of silence. “S’Muss!” was the answer from the younger one, followed by a nod towards the ship yard, once the sun had moved noticeable further towards noon. Littletethis followed the direction of the nod. His two arks where floating lazily at a pier next too the equipment stores of the shipyard, another slighty newer ark swaying in the wind on her mooring further in the habour. All three where flying the AMCW flag, armed to the tips of their booms but also equipped with sophisticated search and rescue equipment. His eyes moved to the two ships being built below them in the yard. His lates ark a little further towards completion than the other one. “Gute Schiffe” he said, nodding towards the ships. Nothing was said for halve an hour while the two watch officers watched the business at the shipyards, in the habour, the birds flying about and the waves slapping against the habour walls (and also several shady creatures who suddenly lost all interest in a day at the harbour once they noticed the two AMCW captains looking at new ships. Ships that needed crew , a crew of “volunteers”). " She is going to be a fine ship, once she is ready, Littletethis " the young captain said. “Aye, that will be true, Nobby” the older captain answered. Then silence descended again. "Going for the ’daughter’boat Design, hasn’t been tried before " Nobby the Great said once he thought the next sentence was due about 20 minutes later. Looking at Littletethis 3rd ark which carried a smaller, fast looking miniark in a compartment at the stern. Eventually somewhere in a guildhall some bells chimed in lunchhour. “Yeah, always what I wanted to have, will work” Littletethis answered. The thought of another round of food opened the floodgates to talkativness in both heros. “Was good to have a chat with you, Nobby, when on duty again?” "Yeah, haven’t had such good conversation in ages. Tonight, you? " “Aye, see you around, doing lot of Arena at the moment, the old one”, he looked suspiciously towards the sky “calls it a Pe Arrr thing for the watch. O well he sponsors it generously, so , it works out.”
“Food s’served” said Nobby “Good” answered Littletethis as they walked back towards the AMCW bar