

Kendal WellEndowed 4

level 113

Death smiles at us all

Age 8 years 11 months
Personality neutral
Guild Legion of Panda
Monsters Killed about 511 thousand
Death Count 144
Wins / Losses 70 / 114
Temple Completed at 03/20/2016
Ark Completed at 11/18/2018 (325.2%)
Pairs Gathered at 05/04/2022
Words in Book 47.6%
Savings 17M, 957k (59.9%)
Pet Unbearable grizzly Twakka 8th level
Boss Wraptor with 72% of power


Weapon The Schwartz +125
Shield health insurance card +126
Head exfoliating face mask +123
Body trenchcoat of arms +126
Arms hands-free gloves +127
Legs rocket skates +127
Talisman booster pack +127


  • selfish interest level 113
  • quantum leap level 107
  • eye scream level 106
  • homesickness level 105
  • swoop of the smith level 103
  • iron vortex level 102
  • lucky hoof level 98
  • golden vein level 97
  • sticky fingers level 95
  • heel grip level 63


  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Raider, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Miner, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Kendal WellEndowed has been called by many a ‘jack of all trades’ who has an innate ability to blunder his way through life by the grace of his God. Kendall, however, does not enjoy being referred to as a ‘jack of all trades’ because, again, his name is Kendal.

Orphaned by his parents when he was 28 (they kicked him out of the house and locked the door behind him), Kendal mustered up all of his courage and decided to face the world on his own. Since his courage was severely lacking, Kendal only made it to the fence before running back to his parents house, sobbing and knocking on the door, begging to be let back in. Three days passed before Kendal finally got the point – his father stuck him with a cattle prod and carried him to the middle of the forest while Kendal was unconscious. Upon waking, Kendal found himself lost and alone in a forest he didn’t recognize. Three more days of sobbing ensued.

Having pity on the poor soul, RogueGhost made himself known to Kendal as a god who would protect him, guide him, and show him the wonders of the world. Kendal misinterpreted this gesture as a sign of invincibility and promptly attempted to fly off the nearest cliff. RogueGhost resurrected our hero and explained that, while having the power of a god behind him was indeed a great and powerful thing, this did not in fact prevent stupidity from causing painful results. Kendal took these words to heart, promised to listen, and went out into the world to begin sharing what he had learned about this new and mysterious god. Several more resurrections occurred within the next few minutes for although our great hero was focused and determined, he also suffered from short-term memory loss due to falling from the cliff. Gods may be powerful, but ignorance is bliss. RogueGhost assisted Kendal even further by blessing him with a special diary that would chronicle our heros fortune, or misfortune. Unfortunately for Kendal, the diary replicated the mental ability of the person holding it and would only show ten entries at a time – but RogueGhost hoped that this special tool would prove to be beneficial for the newly inspired hero.

Once Kendal showed the depth of his ineptitude by attempting to use his new diary as a weapon – it turns out that a Parabull does not find it amusing when struck by a divine diary – RogueGhost again resurrected our hero and provided him with his very own weapon! A Nerf Battleaxe!
Kendal swung the weapon high into the air in celebration, and promptly forgot to catch it on the way down.

Another resurrection occurred, and RogueGhost decided it would be best to keep a very close watch on our humorous hero.

Together, they would change the world! Or, at least mildly affect it….