


level 36

Idle Joever!

Age 6 years 4 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 26 thousand
Death Count 19
Wins / Losses 0 / 0
Bricks for Temple 44.4%
Pet Prancing pony Stubby


Weapon rain bow +46
Shield fourth wall +43
Head holy halo +43
Body asteroid belt +47
Arms dimensionless gloves +44
Legs jackboots of asskickery +44
Talisman friendship bracelet +44


  • mountain moving level 14
  • awkward silence level 14
  • disarming smile level 13
  • battle chess level 13
  • peek-a-boo level 10
  • radioportation level 7
  • beer belly level 4
  • cash whistle level 2


Hero has yet to take places in pantheons.


  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Builder, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Saint, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Well, I met Him in my dream and he say He want me to help Him and I get to drink unlimited beer whenever possible and do nothing but fight. I say yes and that’s it.

11 Dec 2017
20:29 Glad you read the ‘Godville Times’, my Lord. In other news, I seem to have a new aura of immortality. WOW AWESOME!!!

While I was searching for the screwdriving license and wet blanket, somebody dropped 2181 coins from a passing cloud. Bingo?

12 Dec 2017 – 1st death
20:09 Grant me the power of immortality, Mighty One, so that I may do stupid things and not have to consider death as a consequence!

17 Dec 17
Quest #13 – Become the 2nd member of the guild “Idle”.

The explosive firework jumped out of my backpack, started to sizzle, and slowly transformed into a golden brick.

Suddenly fainted while walking and then immediately came back to my senses, but feeling very calm. I can’t even feel anger over my missing hammer of realignment.

23 Dec 17 – 11am
2nd in Creation.

29 Dec 17 – Day 18
21:46 Good news, Soul Supreme! I learned a very useful new skill: “mountain moving”. At least the traveling master who trained me promised it was very useful.

31 Dec 17
20:42 Felt a burning desire to disassemble the continuum transfunctioner. Found a notarized document inside stating that I’ve died fewer times than I thought. Nice.

2 Jan 18
17:03 You revive me every time I die, Soul Supreme. Does that make me immortal? Am I a god too then? Can I have my own hero?

7 Jan 18
11:01 Learn to fly like a fish and swim like a bird. Besty quest of the new year!
21:39 After extensive study, I can now soar over the waters like a flying fish, and dart under them like a penguin. Nothing is impossible, if you set your mind to it.
My quest to learn to fly like a fish and swim like a bird was completed with excellence! Got a shiny golden brick and felt great about it.

18:01 The trader was impressed by my “Idle” guild membership card. Received a chicken leg as a free gift.

17:26 Following a sudden urge, I peeked into my knapsack and couldn’t find two bold trophies, but found two golden bricks instead. That’s what I call a true miracle!

12:34 Killing the Hunny Bear with kindness wasn’t working this time, so I used my ‘disarming smile’ skill instead. Kindly pilfered an ultraviolent lamp from its corpse.

16:15 Used my “seasickness” skill to teach the Sawed-off Shogun a valuable lesson. I’m not sure what the lesson was, but the monster didn’t seem to enjoy it much.

21:50 Our guild’s prophet ordered me to create holy water by boiling the hell out of it. For “Idle”!

08:07 Dropped my coin purse into the campfire. Managed to retrieve it, but a bunch of coins had fused into a brick-shaped block. What were the chances of that happening, Luminous One?

10:56 Mighty One, hurry up and resurrect me before I enter the afterlife! I’m pretty sure the thousands I’ve slain aren’t waiting to embrace me with open arms and affection.😨😨