

Thumb dumb servant

level 22

For Honoration Nation!

Age 11 years 8 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 8 thousand
Death Count 14
Wins / Losses 4 / 5
Bricks for Temple 5.6%
Pet Firefox Felix 4th level


Weapon gatekeeper's halberd +24
Shield strong sunblock +24
Head helmet with twisted horns +28
Body armor of Might and Magic +25
Arms bionic commando's arm +29
Legs hellfire boots +30
Talisman one-sided coin +25


  • navel clamp level 9
  • forced generosity level 7
  • intimate tickling level 4


Hero has yet to take places in pantheons.


  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Builder, 3rd rank
  • Favorite, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

thong thing thumb dumb whatever you be called, get your act together, do it right, and you may be rewarded greatly, maybe not in your perception but my perception is so much greater than yours!