


level 83

Bowl before the Greatest

Age 8 years 6 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 203 thousand
Death Count 83
Wins / Losses 17 / 12
Temple Completed at 01/17/2018
Ark Completed at 12/23/2022 (117.7%)
Twos of Every Kind 205m, 189f (18.9%)
Savings 6M, 298k (21.0%)
Pet Battlesheep Tigger 21st level


Weapon Excaliper +95
Shield quantum barrier +94
Head mad scientist's goggles +92
Body fan-mail +94
Arms joy buzzer +93
Legs bossypants +93
Talisman antimatter horn +93


  • exhaust of the dragon level 62
  • inept singing level 59
  • sober view level 54
  • lossy compression level 52
  • lucky hoof level 50
  • fanned fingers level 49
  • deafening snore level 47
  • clinical strike level 46
  • cri de coeur level 44
  • spoon-bending level 41




  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank
  • Savior, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Far from the ocean, deeply in a pool, a hero was born. Who he is? Why did he have a blue thunderbolt in the right arm? What is his misson? Who sent him down?… and so on. What can he does in his life? We will see about that :)