

Golden Cat 22

level 30

You look like prey.

Age 11 years 3 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 14 thousand
Death Count 10
Wins / Losses 67 / 0
Temple Completed at 12/06/2013
Wood for Ark 13.7%
Savings 486 thousand (1.6%)
Pet Firefox Dumbo 17th level


Weapon half-brick in a sock +40
Shield death's door +39
Head executioner's mask +39
Body technicolor dreamcoat +40
Arms Santa's claws +41
Legs dielectric boots of Zeus +39
Talisman hall pass +39


  • mountain moving level 20
  • eye scream level 19
  • street magic level 15
  • foot massage level 13
  • save-load level 13
  • unbearable boredom level 2




  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Favorite, 3rd rank
  • Invincible, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank
  • Shipwright, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

I likes to hunt lots and lots of boss monsters for fun. Most of em’s like giant rodents anyways, with big furry tails for me to chase. I swiftly pounce on moleosauruses and alpha moles to take em down. Them’s the easiest. With dragonandons, the trick is to wear em down until they’re too tired to fight. Squirmishers are the funnest to chase around.

Back when I was workin on my temple, I’d act cute and playful (and a bit naughty too) after each boss fight, to make my goddess encourage and punish me until all my coins was melted into bricks. You think I don’t know exactly what I’m doing? Ha ha ha.

I collected most of my bricks myself, but my two peoples (Para Bolus and Capricciosa) helped me sometimes during my catnaps. I has my own godwiki page too for my adoring fans and admirers.

Sometimes when I gets bored with fighting monsters, I goes to the arena for variety. Even though it’s all just play fighting among friends, I gotta establish dominance. First, I arch my back and hiss to intimidate the opponent. Then I usually gets in real close to fight with my teeth and claws. Sometimes I run between their feet and trip em too. It’s all about dominance… I does what I has to in order to win.

Life’s good now that I got my temple. It’s got a nice mix of warm sunny spots and secluded shady spots, with plenty of plush devotional cushions to relax on. When I wants extra warmth, there’s a secret niche near the sacred flame that’s super comfortable. The temple roof’s got some nice sheltered nooks where I can climb up and hide — lookin out over the city, stalkin birds, or just chillin. It’s a pretty sweet arrangement.

I gots a pet firefox who’s great fun to have around. I called him Dumbo once just to tease him a little, but he was dumb enough to answer to it. Ha ha, that’s his name now. Dumbo. We gets along great, and likes to chase each other around the temple grounds until we’re tired. Then we sleeps until we feels like gettin up. The pilgrims always go on and on about how cute we looks curled up together on the devotional cushions. Whatever. They leaves so many tasty food offerings outside the temple that we never gotta hunt unless we feels like it. I can’t complain too much.

My neighbors are kinda crazy, always runnin down to dungeons tryin to collect gopher wood. Me? I don’t get it. Sure, I went on a few dungeon raids when I first got my temple, but it seemed like a lotta work for not much reward. I likes huntin monsters just fine, but dungeon monsters are just too big for me. I always says, ya gotta know your limitations.

I still sneaks down to dungeons just for fun once in a while. I likes to go alone and explore in the dark, but sometimes my firefox tags along too. He can’t hide as well as me, especially when he flames up — but he’s learning not to do that so much. We likes to just lurk around, checkin out what’s down there. Sometimes we sees bands of heroes stumble by, and laughs at em behind their backs. Suckas.

Every temple’s gotta have a big pile of gopher wood next to it. Even mine. I can’t help it if pilgrims leave the stuff. But what am I supposed to do with it? As far as I can tell, the best thing about those woodpiles is the small animals nesting in there. Them’s fun to catch. But I got much better things to do than build arks — like sleep. I already got a plan in case there’s some big flood. I’ll just sneak onto someone else’s ark. Duh.