


level 31

To yield a Dragon heart!

Age 12 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 16 thousand
Death Count 22
Wins / Losses 44 / 20
Bricks for Temple 17.4%
Pet Sun dog Scratchy 11th level


Weapon gatekeeper's halberd +24
Shield shield of Seven Rainbows +23
Head monomolecular bandana +22
Body sysadmin's sweater +23
Arms bear arms +24
Legs nuclear-powered boots +32
Talisman piece of strontium +26


  • palm of the Panda level 17
  • somersault squatting level 17
  • iron vortex level 13
  • inept singing level 9
  • contagious yawning level 5
  • sunstroke level 4




  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Builder, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Favorite, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Chapter 0 – The Beginning

In the ancient primitive ages of human civilizations, the lands, oceans and skies were ruled by legendary beasts whom modern heroes came to know as Dragons. They were embodiments of power, might, strength, brutality , zeal, kindness and wisdom. Summoned by Dracodas, Lord of the Holy Dragons, they were tasked to oversee the events on Earth where balance itself was upset by the uprising of humankind.

Chapter 1 – Story of the Winged Fighters

For ages, the magnificent beasts ruled every corner of the world at their helm and the world with its different inhabitants was at peace under their influence. Yet so, it was not long before trouble surfaced at the year 568 BG (Before Godville). At the outskirts of the notorious Jagged Peaks, a group of foolish peasant soldiers murdered Akahor, the Dragon of Kindness in her sleep to win a bet against the Dwarf Troll Clan from Trollbridge. The death of a legendary dragon shocked the realm and humans were beginning to question the power of the masters they had served. The priceless hide skinned from Akahor further fueled the greedy hunt for Dragons. The beasts themselves fought against the endless onslaughts with the determination to fulfill the Lord’s wishes. Their breath scorched the enemies’ land. Their wings soared and kicked wind strong enough to lift a city. Their limbs trembled dirt to sink all who opposed. To their demise, the effort to survive was unfruitful as it came a day when the outnumbered servants of the Almighty faltered to meet death by the treacherous hands of the humans.

Chapter 2 – The Aftermath (to be continued…)