

Pascal the Pretty

level 56

丯 Pretty till the end 丯

Age 8 years 5 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 86 thousand
Death Count 53
Wins / Losses 0 / 1
Temple Completed at 07/10/2016
Wood for Ark 30.6%
Savings 1M, 344k (4.5%)
Pet Lightsaber-toothed tiger Sneezy 19th level


Weapon Schrödinger's catapult +64
Shield irresistible force field +64
Head earmuffs of solitude +65
Body beach towel of doom +64
Arms noodly appendages +64
Legs mermaid flipper +64
Talisman gravity multiplier +64


  • navel clamp level 29
  • seasickness level 26
  • fanned fingers level 24
  • thumb blowing level 24
  • tooth sampling level 23
  • dove of peace level 23
  • concrete placer level 23
  • scissorhands level 22
  • foot massage level 18
  • fake smile level 18




  • Honored Favorite
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

As a gift to the world, the Old Ones of the Universe decided to create a boy so beautiful that it would heal the ailments of all that laid eyes upon it. They named him Pascal. Unfortunately, while descending from heaven, the angel tasked with bringing the child to Godville tripped and fell over a loose Flying Carpet and dropped the newborn. The boy plummeted to earth and crashed head-first through the roof of a Barbed Wire Tappers’ workshop leaving his face crushed and cut beyond recognition.

The artisan took the boy to Godville to trade him for alcoholic beverages but accidentally dropped him down a manhole. There he was raised by the hideous creatures of the Sewer Fraternity. These creatures are so reality-defyingly ugly, they can only live with eachother because they are blind. Here the boy became known as Pascal the Pretty, for the creatures assumed that, because he was not one of them, he had to be infinitely better looking and therefore earned the title.

To be continued