

Stephen Clarke

level 63

For Croydon!

Age 12 years 8 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 113 thousand
Death Count 58
Wins / Losses 50 / 22
Temple Completed at 09/13/2012
Wood for Ark 3.6%
Savings 1M, 757k (5.9%)
Pet Solar bear Shelby


Weapon sling of outrageous fortune +70
Shield shield of invincibility +73
Head shroud of clarity +70
Body daisy chainmail +74
Arms Paci-Fist +70
Legs Tarot deck shoes +72
Talisman server patch +69


  • somersault squatting level 42
  • cri de coeur level 36
  • disarming smile level 34
  • peace enforcement level 30
  • tin throat level 26
  • auto-stopping level 24
  • self-propelled feet level 23
  • winged swing level 23
  • unbearable boredom level 21
  • lucky hoof level 19




  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Invincible, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


Stephen was born to the world when a great bolt of lightning split a mighty tree asunder, revealing our fledgling hero inside. Stephen took his first tentative steps forward, only to plunge 5000 feet from the top of the mountain his tree had stood upon.

When he awoke Stephen found himself miraculously unharmed, mistaking this for an actual miracle he immediately got down onto his knees, praying to the deity whom saw fit to save him. It was in that instant the great God Deadpanlives came into being, summoned forth by a chance alignment of some slugs with the waxed moon and our heros bereftness of brain. Though displeased with being summoned to existence in such manner, seeing little point in being the personal God to a moron and having one hell of a hangover, Deadpanlives decided to be good and care for his charge, for the time being at least.

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and at about 1 month Deadpanlives was still taking pleasure to look down upon the alchoholic baffoon who had brought him into being. He smiled at his foibles, the time Stephen had been unsure of which orifice to eat with and had spent a few painful days defecating from his ear. Or the time his hero had got so drunk he had gone naked round the inns rooms, full of sleeping travelers and heroes, smashing open the doors and declaring his undying love for them. Stephen had spent a few days in hospital after that erroneous adventure. He also felt pangs of despair when his hero came close to death too, healing him when once again the Godville Administrator threatened to send him to meet his maker. Deadpan had no intentions of ever meeting Stephen, he imagined he would scarcly be able to stand a nanosecond of his heros company, let alone an eternity. To aid this he would occasionally send the hero signs to guide him safely on his journey, becoming frustrated when Stephen would take messages of “Heal Thyself” in flashing coloured stars upon the sky to mean play heavy bass music and eat dubious mushrooms. Inevitabley though the endless hoards of monsters took it’s toll on both Stephens health and Deadpanlives time, until one unfortunate day while Deadpanlives was making some toast, Stephen died.