


level 72

A cat is fine too!!!

Age 13 years 1 month
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 172 thousand
Death Count 112
Wins / Losses 166 / 66
Temple Completed at 07/09/2012
Wood for Ark 26.6%
Savings 3M, 481k (11.6%)
Pet Solar bear Tigger


Weapon rambow +81
Shield political correctness +81
Head frame of mind +82
Body biodegradable armor +80
Arms motion-capture dots +82
Legs smarty pants +80
Talisman dragon ball +81


  • mass effect level 58
  • palm of the panda level 50
  • rail-bending level 50
  • flying bird level 49
  • peace enforcement level 49
  • glance of Kaa level 46
  • thumb beating level 38
  • bad breath level 37
  • selfish interest level 28
  • tin throat level 26




  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Shipwright, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

This chronicle tells the story of the past of SadSacchin, before she became a heroine in Godville … unlike the others…. it is dark and twisted. The tale of her past is not for the faint-hearted… ….

Many years ago, our heroine, Sacchin was just your regular high school girl. She had a secret crush on her classmate. She had recently even managed to talk to and even walk home together with her crush a few times.

However, one dreadful day on her way home, she decided to take a shortcut. Walking through the deserted back alley, she suddenly felt a painful…. but yet at the same time, soothing sensation on her neck. Her mind went blank, her body unconscious.

Unknown to her, something had bitten her.

Hours later, she slowly regained consciousness. Her dreamy state would be abruptly awakened by a jolt of pain. She felt her body convulsing and pain coursed through her body. Gasping for air and her body temperature soaring, she couldn’t understand what was happening to her. While bearing the pain, she could feel pangs of hunger, an unprecedented feeling of desire.

As she struggled out of the back alley in the middle of the night, she heard a voice : “Are you alright?”.

It was a middle-aged man. His face expressed genuine concern as he walked towards her.

When she looked up at him, she immediately understood.

“Eat him.”

“Drink his blood.”

“Eat him.”

Her mind went blank. Before she knew it, her body took off at a ridiculous speed. She charged at the man like a leopard going for the pounce on its prey… … only that the leopard’s speed would be many times slower than hers.

The man could not comprehend what had happened. He saw the girl disappear in front of him and heard a loud sound. He felt his rib cage shatter……… his lungs crushed within his body. His body was thrown off the ground.

With a dull but loud “thud”, his body slammed against a wall… … and the girl would be right in front of him to catch him before he fell to the ground.

While vampires usually do not like dirtying themselves, Sacchin’s first meal… … was a mess….

Like a tiger cub having its first meal, she eagerly sank her teeth into the man’s neck….. and yanked out a chunk of flesh.

“Ahhh….. blood…” Sacchin thought to herself as a sweet and aromatic smell filled the air. Her mouth exploded with flavor.

By then, the man’s eyes were staring into blank oblivion with his mouth gaped open.

Despite her monstrous strength, her body had a small build and she had trouble feeding on something that was bigger than her. She tore the limbs and broke off the joints, making sure that her food was reduced to smaller, easier to handle, “bite-size” pieces.

As the days passed, she would crave for more. She yearned for younger and sweeter blood while having more than 3 meals in some days.

One day she decided, to make her crush hers, once and for all. She would turn him into one of her kind.

She visited his house in the middle of the night. Her crush, Tohno, was in the kitchen doing the dishes.

Earlier, she made sure that she had eaten her three “meals”. She wouldn’t have been able to bear it if she had accidentally eaten up her crush out of hunger rather than turn him into a vampire.

She slid past through the toilet window and walked into the kitchen.

Tohno turned around at the sound of footsteps and found himself facing Sacchin. He was surprised to see his classmate in his house.

“ Sacchin!? What are you doing here?”

“Where have you been? You’ve been missing for days!”

Tohno exclaimed as he looked at Sacchin from head to toe. Her school uniform looked black and dirty…. and he could smell an unrecognizable scent. Something about her face looked different too but Tohno could not tell.

“I like you Tohno.”

“I always have”

Sacchin dropped the bomb. Tohno looked at her stunned.

“Do you like me?”

Tohno found himself speechless at her confession. How she went missing and ended up in his house still puzzles him greatly and now he has to answer THIS question??

Tohno hesitated for a moment……

“Mmm… I like you, but it’s not in a romantic way… “

“Perhaps… we could start by going out on a date first.” Tohno found himself blushing slightly as he said this…

Happiness filled Sacchin.

It was not the best thing she wanted to hear but she was elated and almost relieved to hear it.

“Ahh…. Tohno’s blood….” Sacchin could smell the beautiful scent of her crush as she walked closer to Tohno….. she readies herself to perform the “ritual”.

Tohno on the other hand could smell the pungent scent getting closer as Sacchin walked towards him. What is this smell?? On a closer look, Tohno also realize what was different about her face. The pupils of her eyes were ruby red.

And then….. he looked as Sacchin raised her hands towards him.


Her hands were filled with blood. Her hand brushed her uniform and left a red stain on it.

Sacchin continued: “To tell you the truth, I’ve become a vampire….”

“It’s okay, really… … Life is really fun!! Come I’ll turn you into one too! It won’t hurt a bit…”

“Vampire??? “ While Tohno doesn’t believe in vampires, looking at the blood on Sacchin’s hands made it all believable. The pungent stench coming from her was undeniably the smell of blood.

Tohno instinctively pushed Sacchin away…..

Sacchin looked up at Tohno, with a shocked expression in her face. How could her love one push her away??

Suddenly, Sacchin crouches in pain…. Something is not right.

Tohno watches as Sacchin straightens her body and stands up, her body quivering….. she appears to be breathless as she pants heavily….

As Sacchin looks up, Tohno observes her eyes are no longer red but brown again…

“Get away Tohno…. I’m dangerous….. get away….” Tohno looks confused at Sacchin.

After awhile, the pain seems to go away….. Sacchin steadies herself. Tohno watches as her eyes slowly change to blood red again.

“Ah ha ah ha … … “

“I’ll change you into a vampire."

This time, Tohno felt a dark murderous intent emitting from Sacchin. The dark aura was so strong that Tohno could almost feel it choking him, bearing him down. Tohno felt the world around him constricting, the air almost coming to a standstill.

I’ll be killed.

Tohno thinks to himself.

I’ll be killed.

This time I’ll be killed.

This time I’ll really die.

This time I’ll really … … …

The scene abruptly changes within seconds. Tohno is standing… a kitchen knife is in his hands, jutting out.

Sacchin is standing right in front of him. The knife has pierced her…. Right through the left side of her chest, her heart… It all happened in an instant.

Tohno carefully lowers Sacchin to the ground…. her body in his arms…. He is shocked. Sacchin looks apologetically at Tohno….

“I’m sorry Tohno… I didn’t mean to harm you… I couldn’t help it.”

Ahhh … … Tohno thinks to himself. Her red eyes are becoming brown again… A vampire may be strong, but a fatal blow to the heart can still kill a vampire.

The rage and the bloodlust in Sacchin slowly disappeared. For what seemed like a long time, Sacchin felt normal again… a human again.

“I really liked you Tohno… I really wished I didn’t get bitten… Then we could have gone out properly together ….”

Tears stream down Sacchin’s face… Tears start to well up in Tohno’s eyes too…

Like ash scattered in the wind, Sacchin’s body slowly disappears…. Before she disappears completely, she says her last words.

“Thank you for freeing me…”


It was sad…

She was a good girl but as fate would have it, she was turned into a blood-thirsty beast.

The story touched the heart of the god ArmedApti. The girl deserved more than this.

Like the stories of Valkryies and Angels, ArmedApti would revive the girl in Godville, guiding her to become a heroine. Her role would be to kill evil monsters and maintain the peace in Godville.

As the tales of Sacchin’s tragic past spreaded throughout the land of Godville, the people began to know her as “SadSacchin”. Trying to change for the better and atone for the people she killed as a vampire, SadSacchin promises to be a kind and righteous heroine.

However, SadSacchin still retains some of her former strength and power as a vampire. Sometimes she may even accidentally go out of control of her powers…. but she never strays out beyond the evil path and is able to stop before crossing the line. She is now one of the strongest but kindest gladiators in the arena.

Her tale continues to live on in Godville. Here are some of her current chronicles:

Semi-finalist in first Godville Tournament

SadSacchin – 43rd-level adventurer, member of the “seven winds home” guild, with the motto “A cat is fine too!!!”, stands at the 63rd position in the pantheon of storytellers under the vigilant supervision of the god ArmedApti. She is a huge fan of Anville’s pubs.