


level 23

☢ Bilaterating

Age 12 years 8 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 9 thousand
Death Count 10
Wins / Losses 5 / 10
Bricks for Temple 5.8%
Pet Firefox Scrat 4th level


Weapon alchy's sword +18
Shield shield of the SWAT King +17
Head dreadlocks +16
Body imposter's cloak +17
Arms pipboy 2000 +18
Legs boots of depleted uranium +19
Talisman lucky loop +19


  • elbow bite level 12
  • mosquito roar level 10
  • strong brow level 5


Hero has yet to take places in pantheons.


  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 3rd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Chronicles of brave hero Divaghan

Chapter I – The beginning

He was never like his friends. Always thriving for more, never satisfied with current situation. Boys’ games were too childish for him, and village girls pitiful in their attempts to have him attached to peaceful country life. At age of 17, he decided to go. Mother on her knees and shedding tears, father trying to reason his son to stay, but even thinking about the life his father, grandfather, great grandfather and many generations before, had as a farmer, was depressing to him. After seeing that there is no turning back, mother made him food for 3 days, and told him not to forget his roots. He threw a quick, last look at his home, and with contempt in his heart, went on the neverending journey.

Chapter II – First encounter

3 day supply vanished in 2 days, and 5 days after, exhausted and starving, Divaghan is now roaming the barren lands with no sense of direction, nor purpose. Suddenly, someone walked in front of him, with his face so close to hero’s, that he could almost touch his nose with his own. Surprised, he yelled:
  • Who are you?!
  • I’m the Personal Space Invader, and I am currently invading your personal space!
  • Well, I can surely see that (pushes the Invader away from him), but I won’t let you do that, I am already too frustrated, I don’t need some whacks mess with me on my road to finding myself.
  • Ha! You think you could walk away, just like that? (approaches the hero even more closely, staring at his eyes)
  • Back off, or you’ll regret the day you met me!
  • Like that ever stopped me! (starts to circle in small circles around Divaghan, while still staring at him)
Divaghan, tired of Personal Space Invader, takes out his sword and slashes Invader’s stomach (was aiming for the neck, but the stare confused him). Invader stops the circling, and tries to catch the intestines spilling all over the place. Then, suddenly, he smiles and says:
  • Oh, I think I have a chance of my life! and puts his head in the opening in the stomach. Hero then said:
  • I think this is farthest he has ever gone in invading anyone’s personal space. Farewell, Invader!

After that strange event, Divaghan then had many uninteresting days in teaching pottery for food (his mom was very good at it) and roaming with no curious encounters whatsoever, only ordinary knights thirsty for blood and some creep with loot here and there.

Chapter III – The quest

About a month passed, and Divaghan was now sure that this was not what he was expecting for when he left home. Some people, after he told them his story, called him “grinder” in a pejorative manner and accused him for “not doing quests”. He was confused with what the quests are, and why he would need any. One of those people then explained how quests are tasks that “quest-givers” want him to do, for money or exp reward. He then wanted to ask what exp is, but thought that the man had helped him enough already and didn’t want to bother him anymore. He then went to town to find a quest-giver. He found one almost instantaneously, and the quest-giver said:
  • Bring me 10 pairs of ears of the mountain boar, and I’ll give you 200 gold coins
Hero thought for a second, and accepted the quest. While he was walking out of the town, he saw a butchery. An idea sparked, and he entered the shop.
  • Gdday!
  • Hello ser, how can I help you?
  • I would need 20 ears of the mountain boar
  • No problem ser, I’ll be right back
  • Good. And please, make sure 10 are the right ears, and 10 are the left ones.
  • Well…No problem ser!

Few minutes after, and 20 gold lighter, hero went back to quest-giver for the reward. Naive fellow took the ears and gave him 200 gold coins, and thanked hero for clearing the land from the nasty beasts. Hero laughed silently and left.