First Ark

Godville, Apr 27 2014

Dear Godville Gods,

Let’s join our divine hands in Godville-wide congratulation of Kingdada for completing the First Ark! It’s time to reveal its perks. Firstly, an owner gets a shiny new medal. Secondly, heroes can now use the ark in accordance with its widely known application – store multiple pets. Following a god’s command a hero can place his current pet in the ark and head on for taming a new one. Thirdly, an ark-owning god is finally powerful enough to give a name to any pet of his hero. Other uses for arks are also likely when there will be quite a lot more of them. Btw, arked heroes will keep scavenging for gopher wood – who knows, it may come in handy for upgrades.

Speaking of pets, a bunch of new monsters have became tameable. Some of them even have an all new dungeon-ability and are fully capable of accompanying their masters in spelunking. For now these breeds are Grounded Hog, Inner Demon, Gummy Wyrm, and Vengeful Mole (feel free to suggest more in comments). Also, a report from the mad scientists claims that a fast healing of the pet (within 10 hours after the knock out) will boost up its development – the pet will gain a new level faster or even level up right on the spot. Btw, did you know that heroes with a pet medal change their pet’s personality three times more often?

The most groundbreaking update comes to dungeons. Recent developments unearthed half a dozen new types of dungeons, a new kind of harmless trap (that forces the team to skip a turn) and a mindbreaking “Hot and Cold” treasure clues. But here’s the real kicker – dungeon side quests! Sometimes heroes can get a minor side job like visit a certain room or avoid all bosses. These side quests are entirely optional (except for that one case when it’s not), but most of the time the reward should be totally worth it. Happy spelunking!

Comments (65)
Segundo 4 Sep 19 2014 08:07

How about a pet Pegasus I’ve seen many mythologic beast as a reference but I want a pet that can fly so I thought why not a Pegasus

Furanx Oct 13 2014 04:09

how about speedy turtle?

Remingtonsureshot Oct 21 2014 05:24

A pet raven

Remingtonsureshot Oct 21 2014 05:24

A pet raven

Remingtonsureshot Oct 21 2014 05:24

A pet raven

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